
  1. `Improving reliability indices of the autonomous power system of Crete Island utilizing extended photovoltaic installations`, Fiorentzis K., Tsikalakis A., Karapidakis E., Katsigiannis Y., Stavrakakis G., Energies, 2019, 13, 1
  2. `Quantum path interferences in high-order harmonic generation from aligned diatomic molecules`, Chatziathanasiou S., Liontos I., Skantzakis E., Kahaly S., Kahaly M.U., Tsatrafyllis N., Faucher O., Witzel B., Papadakis N., Charalambidis D., Tzallas P., Physical Review A, 2019, 100, 6
  3. `Predicting Entity Relationships Using Hidden Markov Random Fields. An Application to Conversion of Greeklish Text`, Makris D.J., Papadakis N., Proceedings – 2019 3rd European Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, EECS 2019, 2019, ,
  4. `The Semantic Web3d: Towards Comprehensive Representation of 3d Content on the Semantic Web`, Flotyński J., Brutzman D., Hamza-Lup F.G., Malamos A., Polys N., Sikos L.F., Walczak K., 2019 International Conference on 3D Immersion, IC3D 2019 – Proceedings, 2019, 2019-January,
  5. `Pollen Grain Classification using Geometrical and Textural Features`, Manikis G.C., Marias K., Alissandrakis E., Perrotto L., Savvidaki E., Vidakis N., IST 2019 – IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Proceedings, 2019, ,
  6. `Machine learning classification of neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus patients using resting-state fmri functional connectivity`, Simos N.J., Kavroulakis E., Manikis G.C., Bertsias G., Papadaki E., Marias K., IST 2019 – IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Proceedings, 2019, ,
  7. `Renyi divergence and non-deterministic subsampling in Rigid Image Registration`, Spanakis C., Mathioudakis E., Kampanis N., Tsiknakis N., Marias K., IST 2019 – IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Proceedings, 2019, ,
  8. `Challenges and Promises of Radiomics for Rectal Cancer`, Moreira J.M., Santiago I., Santinha J., Figueiredo N., Marias K., Figueiredo M., Vanneschi L., Papanikolaou N., Current Colorectal Cancer Reports, 2019, 15, 6
  9. `Mobile learning in the era of iot: Is ubiquitous learning the future of learning`, Papadokostaki K., Panagiotakis S., Malamos A., Vassilakis K., Mobile Learning Applications in Early Childhood Education, 2019, ,
  10. `Tuning electrical properties of polythiophene/nickel nanocomposites via fabrication`, Pascariu P., Vernardou D., Suchea M.P., Airinei A., Ursu L., Bucur S., Tudose I.V., Ionescu O.N., Koudoumas E., Materials and Design, 2019, 182,
  11. `Impact of P3HT materials properties and layer architecture on OPV device stability`, Meitzner R., Faber T., Alam S., Amand A., Roesch R., Büttner M., Herrmann-Westendorf F., Presselt M., Ciammaruchi L., Visoly-Fisher I., Veenstra S., Diaz de Zerio A., Xu X., Wang E., Müller C., Troshin P., Hager M.D., Köhn S., Dusza M., Krassas M., Züfle S., Kymakis E., Katz E.A., Berson S., Granek F., Manceau M., Brunetti F., Polino G., Schubert U.S., Lira-Cantu M., Hoppe H., Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2019, 202,
  12. `Efficient and environmental-friendly perovskite solar cells via embedding plasmonic nanoparticles: An optical simulation study on realistic device architectures`, Perrakis G., Kakavelakis G., Kenanakis G., Petridis C., Stratakis E., Kafesaki M., Kymakis E., Optics Express, 2019, 27, 22
  13. `Tungsten doping effect on V2O5 thin film electrochromic performance`, Panagopoulou M., Vernardou D., Koudoumas E., Tsoukalas D., Raptis Y.S., Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 321,
  14. `Beneficial impact of materials with reduced dimensionality on the stability of perovskite-based photovoltaics`, Petrović M., Rogdakis K., Kymakis E., JPhys Energy, 2019, 1, 4
  15. `General chair’s foreword`, Tsiknakis M., Zervakis M., Tsai J.J.P., Proceedings – 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, BIBE 2019, 2019, ,
  16. `Enabling ontology-based search: A case study in the bioinformatics domain`, Kyriakakis A., Koumakis L., Kanterakis A., Iatraki G., Tsiknakis M., Potamias G., Proceedings – 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, BIBE 2019, 2019, ,
  17. `Scale-Space DCE-MRI radiomics analysis based on gabor filters for predicting breast cancer therapy response`, Manikis G.C., Venianaki M., Skepasianos I., Papadakis G.Z., Maris T.G., Agelaki S., Karantanas A., Marias K., Proceedings – 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, BIBE 2019, 2019, ,
  18. `Imaging with Ultra Fast Light Pulse in Scattering Media using the DRTS Method`, Georgakopoulos A., Politopoulos K., Georgiou E., Proceedings – 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, BIBE 2019, 2019, ,
  19. `Employing conversational agents in palliative care: A feasibility study and preliminary assessment`, Chatzimina M., Koumakis L., Marias K., Tsiknakis M., Proceedings – 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, BIBE 2019, 2019, ,
  20. `Computational modeling of psychological resilience trajectories during breast cancer treatment`, Manikis G.C., Pat-Horenczyk R., Fotiadis D.I., Tsiknakis M., Simos P., Kourou K., Poikonen-Saksela P., Kondylakis H., Karademas E., Marias K., Katehakis D.G., Koumakis L., Kouroubali A., Proceedings – 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, BIBE 2019, 2019, ,
  21. `Message from the BIBE Program Co-Chairs`, Bourbakis N., Marias K., Proceedings – 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, BIBE 2019, 2019, ,
  22. `Sparse Representations on DW-MRI: A Study on Pancreas`, Pentari A., Tsagkatakis G., Marias K., Manikis G.C., Kartalis N., Papanikolaou N., Tsakalides P., Proceedings – 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, BIBE 2019, 2019, ,
  23. `Using Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes to Foster Palliative Cancer Care: The MyPal Approach`, Maramis C., Payne S., Pospisilova S., Rosenquist R., Ghia P., Pontikoglou C., Sander A., Doubek M., Graf N., Ling J., Downing J., Karamanidou C., Pavi E., Koutkias V., Schera F., Kiefer S., Koumakis L., Marias K., Hoffmann S., Parker H., Reston J., Proceedings – 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, BIBE 2019, 2019, ,
  24. `TrustNet: Ensuring normal-world and trusted-world CAN-bus networking`, Kornaros G., Bakoyiannis D., Tomoutzoglou O., Coppola M., Gherardi G., 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids, SmartGridComm 2019, 2019, ,
  25. `Vulnerability assessment as a service for fog-centric ICT ecosystems: A healthcare use case`, Nikoloudakis Y., Pallis E., Mastorakis G., Mavromoustakis C.X., Skianis C., Markakis E.K., Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2019, 12, 5
  26. `Designing a virtual reality platform to facilitate augmented theatrical experiences based on auralization`, Lakka E., Malamos A.G., Pavlakis K.G., Andrew Ware J., Designs, 2019, 3, 3
  27. `Control of smart home operations using natural language processing, voice recognition and iot technologies in a multi-tier architecture`, Alexakis G., Panagiotakis S., Fragkakis A., Markakis E., Vassilakis K., Designs, 2019, 3, 3
  28. `A novel multi-kernel 1D convolutional neural network for stress recognition from ECG`, Giannakakis G., Trivizakis E., Tsiknakis M., Marias K., 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos, ACIIW 2019, 2019, ,
  29. `A stress recognition system using HRV parameters and machine learning techniques`, Giannakakis G., Marias K., Tsiknakis M., 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos, ACIIW 2019, 2019, ,
  30. `Positive-sequence flux estimator based on Second-Order Generalized Integrators for grid synchronization and motor control under imbalanced conditions`, Orfanoudakis G.I., Sharkh S.M., Yuratich M.A., 2019 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2019 ECCE Europe, 2019, ,
  31. `Industrial cybersecurity 4.0: Preparing the operational technicians for industry 4.0`, Karampidis K., Panagiotakis S., Vasilakis M., Markakis E.K., Papadourakis G., IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, CAMAD, 2019, 2019-September,
  32. `Cloud-native application validation stress testing through a framework for auto-cluster deployment`, Astyrakakis N., Nikoloudakis Y., Kefaloukos I., Skianis C., Pallis E., Markakis E.K., IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, CAMAD, 2019, 2019-September,
  33. `Effect of hybrid power station installation in the operation of insular power systems`, Bouzounierakis N., Katsigiannis Y., Fiorentzis K., Karapidakis E., Inventions, 2019, 4, 3
  34. `Guest Editorial: Biomedical Informatics Across the Cancer Continuum`, Tsiknakis M., Graf N., Stamatopoulos K., Bucur A., IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2019, 23, 5
  35. `Investigating the Role of Model-Based and Model-Free Imaging Biomarkers as Early Predictors of Neoadjuvant Breast Cancer Therapy Outcome`, Kontopodis E., Venianaki M., Manikis G.C., Nikiforaki K., Salvetti O., Papadaki E., Papadakis G.Z., Karantanas A.H., Marias K., IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2019, 23, 5
  36. `Focal epileptic seizures anticipation based on patterns of heart rate variability parameters`, Giannakakis G., Tsiknakis M., Vorgia P., Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2019, 178,
  37. `18F-NaF PET/CT IMAGING IN FIBROUS DYSPLASIA OF BONE`, Papadakis G., Manikis G., Karantanas A., Florenzano P., Bagci U., Marias K., Collins M., Boyce A., Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2019, 34, 9
  38. `Investigating the Correlation of Ktrans with Semi-Quantitative MRI Parameters Towards More Robust and Reproducible Perfusion Imaging Biomarkers in Three Cancer Types`, Ioannidis G.S., Maris T.G., Nikiforaki K., Karantanas A., Marias K., IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2019, 23, 5
  39. `Transition from the mean-field to the bosonic Laughlin state in a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate`, Vasilakis G., Roussou A., Smyrnakis J., Magiropoulos M., Von Klitzing W., Kavoulakis G.M., Physical Review A, 2019, 100, 2
  40. `Removing biases from rotating shadowband radiometers`, Vignola F., Peterson J., Mavromatakis F., Wilbert S., Forstinger A., Dooraghi M., Sengupta M., AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019, 2126,
  41. `Designing and implementing a collaborative health knowledge system`, Giannoulis M., Kondylakis H., Marakakis E., Expert Systems with Applications, 2019, 126,
  42. `Electrochemistry studies of hydrothermally grown ZnO on 3D-printed graphene`, Vernardou D., Kenanakis G., Nanomaterials, 2019, 9, 7
  43. `Coordination multipoint enabled small cells for coalition-game-based radio resource management`, Georgakopoulos P., Akhtar T., Politis I., Tselios C., Markakis E., Kotsopoulos S., IEEE Network, 2019, 33, 4
  44. `The FORTIKA accelerated edge solution for automating SMEs security`, Markakis E.K., Nikoloudakis Y., Pallis E., Černivec A., Fouliras P., Mavridis I., Sakellariou G., Salonikias S., Tsinganos N., Sideris A., Zotos N., Drosou A., Giannoutakis K.M., Tzovaras D., Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy: the European Research Landscape, 2019, ,
  45. `LEPS – Leveraging eID in the private sector`, Martín J.C., Aranda N.I., Carreras R.C., Pasic A., Baún J.C.P., Ksystra K., Triantafyllou N., Papadakis H., Torroglosa E., Ortiz J., Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy: the European Research Landscape, 2019, ,
  46. `Building an organic solar cell: Fundamental procedures for device fabrication`, Anagnostou K., Stylianakis M.M., Petridis K., Kymakis E., Energies, 2019, 12, 11
  47. `Developing a data infrastructure for enabling breast cancer women to BOUNCE back`, Kondylakis H., Koumakis L., Katehakis D.G., Kouroubali A., Marias K., Tsiknakis M., Simos P.G., Karademas E., Proceedings – IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2019, 2019-June,
  48. `Fragility of the bosonic Laughlin state`, Roussou A., Smyrnakis J., Magiropoulos M., Efremidis N.K., Von Klitzing W., Kavoulakis G.M., Physical Review A, 2019, 99, 5
  49. `Context-driven tour planning service: An approach based on synthetic coordinates recommendation`, Kashevnik A., Mikhailov S., Papadakis H., Fragopoulou P., Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT, 2019, 2019-April,
  50. `Discone Rectenna Implementation for Broadband RF Energy Harvesting`, Tampouratzis M.G., Vouyioukas D., Stratakis D.I., 2019 8th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2019, 2019, ,
  51. `Extending 2-D Convolutional Neural Networks to 3-D for Advancing Deep Learning Cancer Classification with Application to MRI Liver Tumor Differentiation`, Trivizakis E., Manikis G.C., Nikiforaki K., Drevelegas K., Constantinides M., Drevelegas A., Marias K., IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2019, 23, 3
  52. `Machine-learning regression in evolutionary algorithms and image registration`, Spanakis C., Mathioudakis E., Kampanis N., Tsiknakis M., Marias K., IET Image Processing, 2019, 13, 5
  53. `The 5GENESIS testing facility as an enabler for integrated satellite/terrestrial 5G experimentation`, Gardikis G., Papadakis N., Perentos A., Fotiou M., Phinikarides A., Georgiades M., Ottavj L., Diarra M., Masson T., Morgado A.J., Mumtaz S., De Puga J.S., Palau C.E., Skiadas C., Koumaras H., Kourtis M.A., 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshop, WCNCW 2019, 2019, ,
  54. `Security Assessment as a Service Cross-Layered System for the Adoption of Digital, Personalised and Trusted Healthcare`, Markakis E., Nikoloudakis Y., Pallis E., Manso M., IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things, WF-IoT 2019 – Conference Proceedings, 2019, ,
  55. `Deep learning opens new horizons in personalized medicine (Review)`, Papadakis G.Z., Karantanas A.H., Tsikankis M., Tsatsakis A., Spandidos D.A., Marias K., Biomedical Reports, 2019, 10, 4
  56. `T2, T2 * and spin coupling ratio as biomarkers for the study of lipomatous tumors`, Nikiforaki K., Manikis G.C., Kontopodis E., Lagoudaki E., Bree E.D., Marias K., Karantanas A.H., Maris T.G., Physica Medica, 2019, 60,
  57. `Elasticity Debt Analytics Exploitation for Green Mobile Cloud Computing: An Equilibrium Model`, Skourletopoulos G., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Batalla J.M., Song H., Sahalos J.N., Pallis E., IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2019, 3, 1
  58. `Modeling vehicles to grid as a source of distributed frequency regulation in isolated grids with significant RES penetration`, Neofytou N., Blazakis K., Katsigiannis Y., Stavrakakis G., Energies, 2019, 12, 4
  59. `Enabling Efficient Job Dispatching in Accelerator-Extended Heterogeneous Systems with Unified Address Space`, Kornaros G., Coppola M., Proceedings – 2018 30th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, SBAC-PAD 2018, 2019, ,
  60. `Evaluation of the Damage Caused by Bird Pecking Activity along Composite High Voltage Insulators`, Mavrikakis N.C., Mikropoulos P.N., Siderakis K., Pellas I., Thalassinakis E., ICHVE 2018 – 2018 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application, 2019, ,
  61. `Acceleration at the edge for supporting SMEs Security: The FORTIKA paradigm`, Markakis E., Nikoloudakis Y., Mastorakis G., Mavromoustakis C.X., Pallis E., Sideris A., Zotos N., Antic J., Cernivec A., Fejzic D., Kulovic J., Jara A., Drosou A., Giannoutakis K., Tzovaras D., IEEE Communications Magazine, 2019, 57, 2
  62. `Updating the role of reduced graphene oxide ink on field emission devices in synergy with charge transfer materials`, Stylianakis M.M., Viskadouros G., Polyzoidis C., Veisakis G., Kenanakis G., Kornilios N., Petridis K., Kymakis E., Nanomaterials, 2019, 9, 2
  63. `Membrane androgen receptors (OXER1, GPRC6A AND ZIP9) in prostate and breast cancer: A comparative study of their expression`, Kalyvianaki K., Panagiotopoulos A.A., Malamos P., Moustou E., Tzardi M., Stathopoulos E.N., Ioannidis G.S., Marias K., Notas G., Theodoropoulos P.A., Castanas E., Kampa M., Steroids, 2019, 142,
  64. `Experimental research of transmissions on electric vehicles’ energy consumption`, Spanoudakis P., Tsourveloudis N.C., Doitsidis L., Karapidakis E.S., Energies, 2019, 12, 3
  65. `All-inorganic lead halide perovskite nanohexagons for high performance air-stable lithium batteries`, Kostopoulou A., Vernardou D., Savva K., Stratakis E., Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 3
  66. `Organometallic hybrid perovskites for humidity and gas sensing applications`, Kymakis E., Panagiotopoulos A., Stylianakis M.M., Petridis K., 2D Nanomaterials for Energy Applications: Graphene and Beyond, 2019, ,
  67. `Drts method for light propagation: Imaging with scattered photons from the continuous to ultrafast pulse regimes`, Georgakopoulos A., Politopoulos K., Georgiou E., Proceedings of the International Symposium on Radiative Transfer, 2019, 2019-June,
  68. `Novel approaches and scalability prospects of copper based hole transporting materials for planar perovskite solar cells`, Bidikoudi M., Kymakis E., Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7, 44
  69. `In situ monitoring of the charge carrier dynamics of CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite crystallization process`, Serpetzoglou E., Konidakis I., Maksudov T., Panagiotopoulos A., Kymakis E., Stratakis E., Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7, 39
  70. `ImageCLEF 2019: Multimedia Retrieval in Medicine, Lifelogging, Security and Nature`, Ionescu B., Müller H., Péteri R., Cid Y.D., Liauchuk V., Kovalev V., Klimuk D., Tarasau A., Abacha A.B., Hasan S.A., Datla V., Liu J., Demner-Fushman D., Dang-Nguyen D.-T., Piras L., Riegler M., Tran M.-T., Lux M., Gurrin C., Pelka O., Friedrich C.M., Garcìa Seco de Herrera A., Garcia N., Kavallieratou E., del Blanco C.R., Cuevas C., Vasillopoulos N., Karampidis K., Chamberlain J., Clark A., Campello A., Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2019, 11696 LNCS,
  71. `A novel deep learning architecture outperforming ‘off‑the‑shelf’ transfer learning and feature‑based methods in the automated assessment of mammographic breast density`, Trivizakis E., Ioannidis G.S., Melissianos V.D., Papadakis G.Z., Tsatsakis A., Spandidos D.A., Marias K., Oncology Reports, 2019, 42, 5
  72. `Limitations of a polymer-based hole transporting layer for application in planar inverted perovskite solar cells`, Petrović M., Maksudov T., Panagiotopoulos A., Serpetzoglou E., Konidakis I., Stylianakis M.M., Stratakis E., Kymakis E., Nanoscale Advances, 2019, 1, 8
  73. `Overview of the Imageclefsecurity 2019: File forgery detection tasks`, Karampidis K., Vasillopoulos N., Cuevas C., Del-Blanco C.R., Kavallieratou E., Garcia N., CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2019, 2380,
  74. `Generating education in-game data: The case of an ancient theatre serious game`, Vidakis N., Barianos A.K., Trampas A.M., Papadakis S., Kalogiannakis M., Vassilakis K., CSEDU 2019 – Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 2019, 1,
  75. `On-the-fly secure group communication on CAN bus`, Grammatikakis M.D., Mouzakitis N., Ntallaris E., Piperaki V., Patelis K., Vougioukalos G., Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2019, 550, 9783030119720
  76. `Secure over-the-air firmware updating for automotive electronic control units`, Mbakoyiannis D., Tomoutzoglou O., Kornaros G., Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2019, Part F147772,
  77. `ImageCLEF 2019: Multimedia retrieval in lifelogging, medical, nature, and security applications`, Ionescu B., Müller H., Péteri R., Dang-Nguyen D.-T., Piras L., Riegler M., Tran M.-T., Lux M., Gurrin C., Cid Y.D., Liauchuk V., Kovalev V., Ben Abacha A., Hasan S.A., Datla V., Liu J., Demner-Fushman D., Pelka O., Friedrich C.M., Chamberlain J., Clark A., de Herrera A.G.S., Garcia N., Kavallieratou E., del Blanco C.R., Rodríguez C.C., Vasillopoulos N., Karampidis K., Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2019, 11438 LNCS,
  78. `Dementia Care Frameworks and Assistive Technologies for Their Implementation: A Review`, Koumakis L., Chatzaki C., Kazantzaki E., Maniadi E., Tsiknakis M., IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 2019, 12,
  79. `A correlative study between diffusion and perfusion MR imaging parameters on peripheral arterial disease data`, Ioannidis G.S., Marias K., Galanakis N., Perisinakis K., Hatzidakis A., Tsetis D., Karantanas A., Maris T.G., Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2019, 55,
  80. `Combining genetic algorithms and neural networks for file forgery detection`, Κarampidis K., Deligiannis I., Papadourakis G., Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 2019, 149,
  81. `Automatic Assessment of Depression Based on Visual Cues: A Systematic Review`, Pampouchidou A., Simos P.G., Marias K., Meriaudeau F., Yang F., Pediaditis M., Tsiknakis M., IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2019, 10, 4
  1. `A Review on Lexicon-Based and Machine Learning Political Sentiment Analysis Using Tweets`, Britzolakis A., Kondylakis H., Papadakis N., International Journal of Semantic Computing, 2020, 14, 4
  2. `A Novel Gaussian in Denoising Medical Images with Different Wavelets for Internet of Things Devices`, Al-Shayea T.K., Mavromoustakis C.X., Batalla J.M., Mastorakis G., Mukherjee M., Pallis E., 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2020 – Proceedings, 2020, ,
  3. `Status and recommendations of technological and data-driven innovations in cancer care: Focus group study`, Kondylakis H., Axenie C., Bastola D., Katehakis D.G., Kouroubali A., Kurz D., Larburu N., Macía I., Maguire R., Maramis C., Marias K., Morrow P., Muro N., Núñez-Benjumea F.J., Rampun A., Rivera-Romero O., Scotney B., Signorelli G., Wang H., Tsiknakis M., Zwiggelaar R., Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020, 22, 12
  4. `Towards high performance chemical vapour deposition v2 o5 cathodes for batteries employing aqueous media`, Vernardou D., Drosos C., Kafizas A., Pemble M.E., Koudoumas E., Molecules, 2020, 25, 23
  5. `Full-scale implementation of res and storage in an island energy system`, Fiorentzis K., Katsigiannis Y., Karapidakis E., Inventions, 2020, 5, 4
  6. `Musculoskeletal trauma imaging in the era of novel molecular methods and artificial intelligence`, Klontzas M.E., Papadakis G.Z., Marias K., Karantanas A.H., Injury, 2020, 51, 12
  7. `Multiexponential T2 relaxometry of benign and malignant adipocytic tumours`, Nikiforaki K., Ioannidis G.S., Lagoudaki E., Manikis G.H., de Bree E., Karantanas A., Maris T.G., Marias K., European Radiology Experimental, 2020, 4, 1
  8. `Inverse Laplace transform and multiexponential fitting analysis of T2 relaxometry data: a phantom study with aqueous and fat containing samples`, Ioannidis G.S., Nikiforaki K., Kalaitzakis G., Karantanas A., Marias K., Maris T.G., European Radiology Experimental, 2020, 4, 1
  9. `Α 10-gigawatt attosecond source for non-linear XUV optics and XUV-pump-XUV-probe studies`, Makos I., Orfanos I., Nayak A., Peschel J., Major B., Liontos I., Skantzakis E., Papadakis N., Kalpouzos C., Dumergue M., Kühn S., Varju K., Johnsson P., L’Huillier A., Tzallas P., Charalambidis D., Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 1
  10. `Virtual Reality in Humanistic Prisons Education. The STEPS project.`, Oikonomou K., Malamos A.G., Lisitsa E., Papadakis K., Anagnostopoulou K., Gerostergiou K., Trantas G., Liovas D., Stathopoulos C., Liakos E., Kolokotronis D., ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2020, ,
  11. `A Probabilistic Logic Program that Predicts COVID-19 Infection and the Possibility a Patient to Recover`, Papatheodorou N., Ntantinakis N., Zervoudakis S., Marakakis E., Kondylakis H., ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2020, ,
  12. `An extensive case study on the dispersion parameters of HI-assisted reduced graphene oxide and its graphene oxide precursor`, Anagnostou K., Stylianakis M.M., Atsalakis G., Kosmidis D.M., Skouras A., Stavrou I.J., Petridis K., Kymakis E., Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 580,
  13. `Extending X3D Realism with Audio Graphs, Acoustic Properties and 3D Spatial Sound`, Lakka E., Brutzman D., Puk R., Malamos A.G., Proceedings – Web3D 2020: 25th ACM Conference on 3D Web Technology, 2020, ,
  14. `Renewable/fuel cell hybrid power system operation using two search controllers of the optimal power needed on the DC bus`, Bizon N., Raceanu M., Koudoumas E., Marinoiu A., Karapidakis E., Carcadea E., Energies, 2020, 13, 22
  15. `Automatic stress detection evaluating models of facial action units`, Giannakakis G., Koujan M.R., Roussos A., Marias K., Proceedings – 2020 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, FG 2020, 2020, ,
  16. `Metal Halide Perovskites for High-Energy Radiation Detection`, Kakavelakis G., Gedda M., Panagiotopoulos A., Kymakis E., Anthopoulos T.D., Petridis K., Advanced Science, 2020, 7, 22
  17. `DRTS method for scattered-photon imaging and the importance of directional information`, Georgakopoulos A., Politopoulos K., Georgiou E., Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2020, 255,
  18. `Training Needs regarding Gensets for Isolated Areas`, Tsikalakis A., Fiorentzis K., Syllignakis Y., Mavrikakis N., Giaourakis D., Katsigiannis I., Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference and Utility Exhibition on Energy, Environment and Climate Change, ICUE 2020, 2020, ,
  19. `New waves of IoT technologies research – transcending intelligence and senses at the edge to create multi experience environments`, Vermesan O., Coppola M., Nava M.D., Capra A., Kornaros G., Bahr R., Darmois E.C., Serrano M., Guillemin P., Loupos K., Karagiannidis L., McGrath S., Internet of Things – The Call of the Edge: Everything Intelligent Everywhere, 2020, ,
  20. `A Study on the Effect of Distinct Adjacency Matrices for Graph Signal Denoising`, Pentari A., Tzagkarakis G., Marias K., Tsakalides P., Proceedings – IEEE 20th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, BIBE 2020, 2020, ,
  21. `An event-driven approach for changing user behaviour towards an enhanced building’s energy efficiency`, Yfanti S., Sakkas N., Karapidakis E., Buildings, 2020, 10, 10
  22. `Azulene-Based Molecules, Polymers, and Frameworks for Optoelectronic and Energy Applications`, Huang J., Huang S., Zhao Y., Feng B., Jiang K., Sun S., Ke C., Kymakis E., Zhuang X., Small Methods, 2020, 4, 10
  23. `Towards holistic secure networking in connected vehicles through securing CAN-bus communication and firmware-over-the-air updating`, Kornaros G., Tomoutzoglou O., Mbakoyiannis D., Karadimitriou N., Coppola M., Montanari E., Deligiannis I., Gherardi G., Journal of Systems Architecture, 2020, 109,
  24. `Rheumatoid arthritis patients on persistent moderate disease activity on biologics have adverse 5-year outcome compared to persistent low-remission status and represent a heterogeneous group`, Genitsaridi I., Flouri I., Plexousakis D., Marias K., Boki K., Skopouli F., Drosos A., Bertsias G., Boumpas D., Sidiropoulos P., Arthritis Research and Therapy, 2020, 22, 1
  25. `R2d2: A dbpedia chatbot using triple-pattern like queries`, Kondylakis H., Tsirigotakis D., Fragkiadakis G., Panteri E., Papadakis A., Fragkakis A., Tzagkarakis E., Rallis I., Saridakis Z., Trampas A., Pirounakis G., Papadakis N., Algorithms, 2020, 13, 9
  26. `Extended Boost PV inverter topology for the reduction of common-mode leakage current in three-phase applications`, Orfanoudakis G.I., Koutroulis E., Yuratich M.A., Sharkh S.M., 2020 22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2020 ECCE Europe, 2020, ,
  27. `Modified Machine Learning Techique for Curve Fitting on Regression Models for COVID-19 projections`, Andreas A., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Mumtaz S., Batalla J.M., Pallis E., IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, CAMAD, 2020, 2020-September,
  28. `Successful Delivery in VANETs with Damaged Infrastructures Based on Double Cluster Head Selection`, Khayat G., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Batalla J.M., Maalouf H., Mumtaz S., Pallis E., IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, CAMAD, 2020, 2020-September,
  29. `Special issue: Advances in chemical vapor deposition`, Vernardou D., Materials, 2020, 13, 18
  30. `Electrochromic performance of V2O5 thin films grown by spray pyrolysis`, Mouratis K., Tudose V., Romanitan C., Pachiu C., Tutunaru O., Suchea M., Couris S., Vernardou D., Emmanouel K., Materials, 2020, 13, 17
  31. `Solution-Processed Pure Sulfide Cu2(Zn0.6Cd0.4)SnS4 Solar Cells with Efficiency 10.8% Using Ultrathin CuO Intermediate Layer`, Zhuk S., Wong T.K.S., Petrović M., Kymakis E., Hadke S.S., Lie S., Wong L.H., Sonar P., Dey A., Krishnamurthy S., Dalapati G.K., Solar RRL, 2020, 4, 9
  32. `Cost analysis of demand-side generating assets contribution to ancillary services of island power systems`, Fiorentzis K., Karapidakis E., Tsikalakis A., Inventions, 2020, 5, 3
  33. `Investigating the dynamics of illegal online activity: The power of reporting, dark web, and related legislation`, Kokolaki E., Daskalaki E., Psaroudaki K., Christodoulaki M., Fragopoulou P., Computer Law and Security Review, 2020, 38,
  34. `Unsupervised and supervised methods for the detection of hurriedly created profiles in recommender systems`, Panagiotakis C., Papadakis H., Fragopoulou P., International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2020, 11, 9
  35. `Guest Editorial: Multidisciplinary advancement of imaging technologies: From medical diagnostics and genomics to cognitive machine vision, and artificial intelligence`, Marias K., Giakos G., Xu L., Zervakis M., Gasteratos A., IET Image Processing, 2020, 14, 10
  36. `A methodology for open information extraction and representation from large scientific corpora: The CORD-19 data exploration use case`, Papadopoulos D., Papadakis N., Litke A., Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2020, 10, 16
  37. `A User Training Error based Correction Approach combined with the Synthetic Coordinate Recommender System`, Panagiotakis C., Papadakis H., Fragopoulou P., UMAP 2020 Adjunct – Adjunct Publication of the 28th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, 2020, ,
  38. `A Dilated Convolutional Neural Network as Feature Selector for Spatial Image Steganalysis – A Hybrid Classification Scheme`, Karampidis K., Kavallieratou E., Papadourakis G., Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 2020, 30, 3
  39. `Artificial intelligence-driven composition and security validation of an internet of things ecosystem`, Hatzivasilis G., Papadakis N., Hatzakis I., Ioannidis S., Vardakis G., Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2020, 10, 14
  40. `Electronic patient-reported outcome-based interventions for palliative cancer care: A systematic and mapping review`, Karamanidou C., Natsiavas P., Koumakis L., Marias K., Schera F., Schäfer M., Payne S., Maramis C., JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics, 2020, 4,
  41. `Artificial intelligence radiogenomics for advancing precision and effectiveness in oncologic care (Review)`, Trivizakis E., Papadakis G.Z., Souglakos I., Papanikolaou N., Koumakis L., Spandidos D.A., Tsatsakis A., Karantanas A.H., Marias K., International Journal of Oncology, 2020, 57, 1
  42. `INTEGRA: A web-based differential diagnosis system combining multiple knowledge bases`, Papakonstantinou A., Kondylakis H., Marakakis E., ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2020, ,
  43. `Using Spectral Measurements to Characterize Solar Reference Cells on a Two-Axis Tracker`, Vignola F., Peterson J., Kessler R., Habte A., Gotseff P., Sengupta M., Mavromatakis F., Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2020, 2020-June,
  44. `Evaluating the role of phenethylamine iodide as a novel anti-solvent for enhancing performance of inverted planar perovskite solar cells`, Zervos C., Tountas M., Chatzimanolis K., Polyzoidis C., Kymakis E., Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 21
  45. `Highly stable metal halide perovskite microcube anodes for lithium-air batteries`, Kostopoulou A., Vernardou D., Makri D., Brintakis K., Savva K., Stratakis E., Journal of Power Sources Advances, 2020, 3,
  46. `VANET Clustering Based on Weighted Trusted Cluster Head Selection`, Khayat G., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Batalla J.M., Maalouf H., Pallis E., 2020 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, IWCMC 2020, 2020, ,
  47. `Retransmission-based Successful Delivery Tuning in Damaged Critical Infrastructures for VANETs`, Khayat G., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Batalla J.M., Maalouf H., Mukherjee M., Pallis E., IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2020, 2020-June,
  48. `Personally Managed Health Data: Barriers, Approaches, and a Roadmap for the Future`, Kondylakis H., Koumakis L., Tsiknakis M., Kiefer S., Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2020, 106,
  49. `Automotive Virtual In-sensor Analytics for Securing Vehicular Communication`, Trouli G.-I., Kornaros G., IEEE Design and Test, 2020, 37, 3
  50. `Reduced Graphene Oxide Improves Moisture and Thermal Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells`, Kim H.-S., Yang B., Stylianakis M.M., Kymakis E., Zakeeruddin S.M., Grӓtzel M., Hagfeldt A., Cell Reports Physical Science, 2020, 1, 5
  51. `Existence of solutions for (p, q)-Laplacian equations with an indefinite potential`, Kandilakis D.A., Magiropoulos M., Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 2020, 65, 5
  52. `TwiFly: A data analysis framework for Twitter`, Chatziadam P., Dimitriadis A., Gikas S., Logothetis I., Michalodimitrakis M., Neratzoulakis M., Papadakis A., Kontoulis V., Siganos N., Theodoropoulos D., Vougioukalos G., Hatzakis I., Gerakis G., Papadakis N., Kondylakis H., Information (Switzerland), 2020, 11, 5
  53. `Automated facial video-based recognition of depression and anxiety symptom severity: cross-corpus validation`, Pampouchidou A., Pediaditis M., Kazantzaki E., Sfakianakis S., Apostolaki I.A., Argyraki K., Manousos D., Meriaudeau F., Marias K., Yang F., Tsiknakis M., Basta M., Vgontzas A.N., Simos P., Machine Vision and Applications, 2020, 31, 4
  54. `Apparent diffusion coefficient measurements on a novel diffusion weighted MRI phantom utilizing EPI and HASTE sequences`, Kalaitzakis G., Boursianis T., Gourzoulidis G., Gourtsoyianni S., Lymperopoulou G., Marias K., Karantanas A., Maris T.G., Physica Medica, 2020, 73,
  55. `Efficient Job Offloading in Heterogeneous Systems through Hardware-Assisted Packet-Based Dispatching and User-Level Runtime Infrastructure`, Tomoutzoglou O., Mbakoyiannis D., Kornaros G., Coppola M., IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2020, 39, 5
  56. `Blended academic international mobility: Tearing down barriers to mobility in a sustainable way`, Escudeiro N., Barata A., Escudeiro P., Welzer T., Almeida R., Papadourakis G., IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON, 2020, 2020-April,
  57. `A Survey on the Internet of Things (IoT) Forensics: Challenges, Approaches, and Open Issues`, Stoyanova M., Nikoloudakis Y., Panagiotakis S., Pallis E., Markakis E.K., IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2020, 22, 2
  58. `RSMCC: Enabling ring-based software managed cache-coherent embedded SoCs`, Kornaros G., Proceedings – 2020 28th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2020, 2020, ,
  59. `Assessing the type and quality of high voltage composite outdoor insulators by remote laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy analysis: A feasibility study`, Kokkinaki O., Klini A., Polychronaki M., Mavrikakis N.C., Siderakis K.G., Koudoumas E., Pylarinos D., Thalassinakis E., Kalpouzos K., Anglos D., Spectrochimica Acta – Part B Atomic Spectroscopy, 2020, 165,
  60. `A Hardware Acceleration Platform for AI-Based Inference at the Edge`, Karras K., Pallis E., Mastorakis G., Nikoloudakis Y., Batalla J.M., Mavromoustakis C.X., Markakis E., Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2020, 39, 2
  61. `A dual hybrid recommender system based on SCoR and the random forest`, Panagiotakis C., Papadakis H., Fragopoulou P., Computer Science and Information Systems, 2020, 18, 1
  62. `A perspective on high photon flux nonclassical light and applications in nonlinear optics`, Lamprou T., Liontos I., Papadakis N.C., Tzallas P., High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2020, ,
  63. `in-Game Raw Data Collection and Visualization in the Context of the “ThimelEdu” Educational Game`, Vidakis N., Barianos A.K., Trampas A.M., Papadakis S., Kalogiannakis M., Vassilakis K., Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2020, 1220,
  64. `Emplying body-fixed sensors and machine learning to predict physical activity in military personnel`, Papadakis N., Havenetidis K., Papadopoulos D., Bissas A., BMJ Military Health, 2020, ,
  65. `Developing the BOUNCE psychological ontology`, Kondylakis H., Alekos E., Marias K., Tsiknakis M., Papadakis N., CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2020, 2721,
  66. `A two-fold engineering approach based on Bi2Te3 flakes towards efficient and stable inverted perovskite solar cells`, Tsikritzis D., Rogdakis K., Chatzimanolis K., Petrović M., Tzoganakis N., Najafi L., Martín-García B., Oropesa-Nuñez R., Bellani S., Del Rio Castillo A.E., Prato M., Stylianakis M.M., Bonaccorso F., Kymakis E., Materials Advances, 2020, 1, 3
  67. `Extended perfusion protocol for MS lesion quantification`, Kontopodis E., Marias K., Manikis G.C., Nikiforaki K., Venianaki M., Maris T.G., Mastorodemos V., Papadakis G.Z., Papadaki E., Open Medicine (Poland), 2020, 15, 1
  68. `A short review and a comparison of simulation models of electrical treeing development in solid insulation`, Satrazanis C., Mavrikakis N.C., Siderakis K.G., Danikas M.G., Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 2020, 13, 4
  69. `Self-powered, flexible and room temperature operated solution processed hybrid metal halide p-type sensing element for efficient hydrogen detection`, Gagaoudakis E., Panagiotopoulos A., Maksudov T., Moschogiannaki M., Katerinopoulou D., Kakavelakis G., Kiriakidis G., Binas V., Kymakis E., Petridis K., JPhys Materials, 2020, 3, 1
  70. `Evaluating the learning process: The “thimeledu” educational game case study`, Papadakis S., Trampas A.M., Barianos A.K., Kalogiannakis M., Vidakis N., CSEDU 2020 – Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 2020, 2,
  71. `Unsupervised stochastic learning for user profiles`, Papadakis N.K., Springer Optimization and Its Applications, 2020, 159,
  72. `Atomic layer deposited v2o5 coatings: A promising cathode for li-ion batteries`, Pemble M., Povey I., Vernardou D., Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering, 2020, 10, 1
  73. `V2o5 as magnesium cathode material with extended cyclic stability`, Drosos C., Moss B., Kafizas A., Vernardou D., Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering, 2020, 10, 3
  74. `Targeting vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque via PET-tracers aiming at cell-surface overexpression of somatostatin receptors`, Papadakis G.Z., Kochiadakis G., Lazopoulos G., Marias K., Klapsinos N., Hannah-Shmouni F., Igoumenaki G.G., Nikolouzakis T.K., Kteniadakis S., Spandidos D.A., Karantanas A.H., Biomedical Reports, 2020, 13, 3
  75. `Iot detection techniques for modeling post-fire landscape alteration using multitemporal spectral indices`, Athanasaki D.E., Mastorakis G., Mavromoustakis C.X., Markakis E.K., Pallis E., Panagiotakis S., Internet of Things, 2020, ,
  76. `Energy-efficient design of data center spaces in the era of iot exploiting the concept of digital twins`, Panagiotakis S., Fandaoutsakis Y., Vourkas M., Vassilakis K., Malamos A., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Internet of Things, 2020, ,
  77. `Intelligent vehicular networking protocols`, Khayat G., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Maalouf H., Batalla J.M., Pallis E., Markakis E.K., Internet of Things, 2020, ,
  78. `Medical image watermarking in four levels decomposition of dwt using multiple wavelets in iot emergence`, Al-Shayea T.K., Mavromoustakis C.X., Batalla J.M., Mastorakis G., Pallis E., Markakis E.K., Panagiotakis S., Khan I., Internet of Things, 2020, ,
  79. `Personalized video summarization based exclusively on user preferences`, Panagiotakis C., Papadakis H., Fragopoulou P., Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2020, 12036 LNCS,
  80. `Emphasizing the operational role of a novel graphene-based ink into high performance ternary organic solar cells`, Stylianakis M.M., Kosmidis D.M., Anagnostou K., Polyzoidis C., Krassas M., Kenanakis G., Viskadouros G., Kornilios N., Petridis K., Kymakis E., Nanomaterials, 2020, 10, 1
  81. `Benzothiadiazole based cascade material to boost the performance of inverted ternary organic solar cells`, Krassas M., Polyzoidis C., Tzourmpakis P., Kosmidis D.M., Viskadouros G., Kornilios N., Charalambidis G., Nikolaou V., Coutsolelos A.G., Petridis K., Stylianakis M.M., Kymakis E., Energies, 2020, 13, 2
  82. `PET/CT and PET/MRI in ophthalmic oncology (Review)`, Kalemaki M.S., Karantanas A.H., Exarchos D., Detorakis E.T., Zoras O., Marias K., Millo C., Bagci U., Pallikaris I., Stratis A., Karatzanis I., Perisinakis K., Koutentakis P., Kontadakis G.A., Spandidos D.A., Tsatsakis A., Papadakis G.Z., International Journal of Oncology, 2020, 56, 2
  83. `Reducing Interanalyst Variability in Photovoltaic Degradation Rate Assessments`, Jordan D.C., Deline C., Deceglie M.G., Nag A., Kimball G.M., Shinn A.B., John J.J., Alnuaimi A.A., Elnosh A.B.A., Luo W., Jain A., Saleh M.U., Von Korff H., Hu Y., Jaubert J.-N., Mavromatakis F., IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 2020, 10, 1
  84. `Patient empowerment for cancer patients through a novel ICT infrastructure`, Kondylakis H., Bucur A., Crico C., Dong F., Graf N., Hoffman S., Koumakis L., Manenti A., Marias K., Mazzocco K., Pravettoni G., Renzi C., Schera F., Triberti S., Tsiknakis M., Kiefer S., Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2020, 101,
  85. `Computational models for predicting resilience levels of women with breast cancer`, Kourou K., Kondylakis H., Koumakis L., Manikis G.C., Marias K., Tsiknakis M., Simos P.G., Karademas E., Fotiadis D.I., IFMBE Proceedings, 2020, 76,
  1. `Fostering Palliative Care Through Digital Intervention: A Platform for Adult Patients With Hematologic Malignancies`, Koumakis L., Schera F., Parker H., Bonotis P., Chatzimina M., Argyropaidas P., Zacharioudakis G., Schäfer M., Kakalou C., Karamanidou C., Didi J., Kazantzaki E., Scarfo L., Marias K., Natsiavas P., Frontiers in Digital Health, 2021, 3,
  2. `Deep radiotranscriptomics of non-small cell lung carcinoma for assessing molecular and histology subtypes with a data-driven analysis`, Trivizakis E., Souglakos I., Karantanas A.H., Marias K., Diagnostics, 2021, 11, 12
  3. `Evaluation of the COVID-19 era by using machine learning and interpretation of confidential dataset`, Andreou A., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Batalla J.M., Pallis E., Electronics (Switzerland), 2021, 10, 23
  4. `A neural pathomics framework for classifying colorectal cancer histopathology images based on wavelet multi-scale texture analysis`, Trivizakis E., Ioannidis G.S., Souglakos I., Karantanas A.H., Tzardi M., Marias K., Scientific Reports, 2021, 11, 1
  5. `Improving recommender systems via a Dual Training Error based Correction approach[Formula presented]`, Panagiotakis C., Papadakis H., Papagrigoriou A., Fragopoulou P., Expert Systems with Applications, 2021, 183,
  6. `X3D Audio Graph for the consistent declarative representation of the W3C Audio API`, Lakka E., Papadaki M., Brutzman D., Puk R., Malamos A.G., Proceedings – Web3D 2021: 26th ACM International Conference on 3D Web Technology, 2021, ,
  7. `Ultrathin PTAA interlayer in conjunction with azulene derivatives for the fabrication of inverted perovskite solar cells`, Tzoganakis N., Feng B., Loizos M., Krassas M., Tsikritzis D., Zhuang X., Kymakis E., Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 9, 41
  8. `Solution-processed two-dimensional materials for next-generation photovoltaics`, Bellani S., Bartolotta A., Agresti A., Calogero G., Grancini G., Di Carlo A., Kymakis E., Bonaccorso F., Chemical Society Reviews, 2021, 50, 21
  9. `Perovskite oxide and polyazulene–based heterostructure for high–performance supercapacitors`, Huang J., Jiang K., Tranca D., Ke C., Zhang L., Li J., Li J., Tong G., Kymakis E., Zhuang X., Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2021, 138, 41
  10. `Grid operation assessment under a specific EV chargers deployment plan in the city of Heraklion`, Karapidakis E., Tsikalakis A., Paspatis A., Fotakis E., Stavrakakis G., Chatzipoulka C., Zervas P., Electronics (Switzerland), 2021, 10, 22
  11. `Multilayer NoC firewall services: case-study on e-health`, Grammatikakis M.D., Piperaki V., Papagrigoriou A., Proceedings – 2021 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, NOCS 2021, 2021, ,
  12. `Influence of Mg doping on the ultrafast electron dynamics of VO2 films`, Karanikolopoulos D., Gagaoudakis E., Droulias S., Louloudakis D., Mouratis K., Polychronaki M., Katsoprinakis G.E., Aperathitis E., Vernardou D., Binas V., Kalpouzos C., Kiriakidis G., Koudoumas E., Lappas A., Loukakos P.A., Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 2021, 127, 10
  13. `Current status and future prospects of PET-imaging applications in patients with gastro-entero-pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs)`, Papadakis G.Z., Karantanas A.H., Marias K., Millo C., European Journal of Radiology, 2021, 143,
  14. `Indoor Perovskite Photovoltaics for the Internet of Things—Challenges and Opportunities toward Market Uptake`, Polyzoidis C., Rogdakis K., Kymakis E., Advanced Energy Materials, 2021, 11, 38
  15. `System Performance Analysis in Cognitive Radio-Aided NOMA Network: An Application to Vehicle-to-Everything Communications`, Le C.-B., Do D.-T., Zaharis Z.D., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Markakis E.K., Wireless Personal Communications, 2021, 120, 3
  16. `Enabling Full-duplex in MEC Networks Using Uplink NOMA in Presence of Hardware Impairments`, Van Nguyen M.-S., Do D.-T., Zaharis Z.D., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Pallis E., Wireless Personal Communications, 2021, 120, 3
  17. `A three-phase transformerless Boost inverter for the reduction of common-mode leakage current in photovoltaic applications`, Orfanoudakis G.I., Koutroulis E., Yuratich M.A., Sharkh S.M., 2021 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2021 ECCE Europe, 2021, ,
  18. `Synchronous Reference Frame current control of Aalborg-type PV inverters`, Orfanoudakis G.I., Koutroulis E., Foteinopoulos G., Wu W., 2021 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2021 ECCE Europe, 2021, ,
  19. `Radiomics and machine learning can differentiate transient osteoporosis from avascular necrosis of the hip`, Klontzas M.E., Manikis G.C., Nikiforaki K., Vassalou E.E., Spanakis K., Stathis I., Kakkos G.A., Matthaiou N., Zibis A.H., Marias K., Karantanas A.H., Diagnostics, 2021, 11, 9
  20. `Poly(2-aminoazulene) Filler-Improved PEO-Based Electrolyte for Highly Stable Solid-State Li-Metal Batteries`, Wen J., Chen Z., Han S., Zhu J., Ke C., Kymakis E., Zhuang X., Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2021, 168, 9
  21. `Removing education barriers for deaf students at the era of Covid-19`, Karampidis K., Trigoni A., Papadourakis G., Christofaki M., Escudeiro N., Proceedings of the 2021 30th Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering, EAEEIE 2021, 2021, ,
  22. `GSS-VET Project. Vocational Education and Training Process to Develop Working Skills for Technicians in Geothermal, Solar-Thermal and Photovoltaic Installations`, Katsamaki A., Markaki M.E., Mavromatakis F., Apostolaki M., Karapidakis E., Proceedings of the 2021 30th Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering, EAEEIE 2021, 2021, ,
  23. `A comprehensive analysis of wind turbine blade damage`, Katsaprakakis D.Al., Papadakis N., Ntintakis Ι., Energies, 2021, 14, 18
  24. `On analyzing beamforming implementation in O-RAN 5G`, Mohsin M., Batalla J.M., Pallis E., Mastorakis G., Markakis E.K., Mavromoustakis C.X., Electronics (Switzerland), 2021, 10, 17
  25. `The significance of echo time in fmri bold contrast: A clinical study during motor and visual activation tasks at 1.5 t`, Boursianis T., Kalaitzakis G., Nikiforaki K., Kosteletou E., Antypa D., Gourzoulidis G.A., Karantanas A., Papadaki E., Simos P., Maris T.G., Marias K., Tomography, 2021, 7, 3
  26. `Combined Positive-Sequence Flux Estimation and Current Balancing for Sensorless Motor Control under Imbalanced Conditions`, Orfanoudakis G.I., Sharkh S.M., Yuratich M.A., IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2021, 57, 5
  27. `Topological defect-containing Fe/N co-doped mesoporous carbon nanosheets as novel electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction and Zn-air batteries`, Ding J., Wu D., Huang S., Lu C., Chen Y., Zhang J., Zhang L., Li J., Ke C., Tranca D., Kymakis E., Zhuang X., Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 31
  28. `The green blockchains of circular economy`, Hatzivasilis G., Ioannidis S., Fysarakis K., Spanoudakis G., Papadakis N., Electronics (Switzerland), 2021, 10, 16
  29. `Multicenter DSC–MRI-based radiomics predict IDH mutation in gliomas`, Manikis G.C., Ioannidis G.S., Siakallis L., Nikiforaki K., Iv M., Vozlic D., Surlan-popovic K., Wintermark M., Bisdas S., Marias K., Cancers, 2021, 13, 16
  30. `DTEC: Dual Training Error based Correction approach for recommender systems[Formula presented]`, Panagiotakis C., Papadakis H., Papagrigoriou A., Fragopoulou P., Software Impacts, 2021, 9,
  31. `Ivus longitudinal and axial registration for atherosclerosis progression evaluation`, Tsiknakis N., Spanakis C., Tsompou P., Karanasiou G., Karanasiou G., Sakellarios A., Rigas G., Kyriakidis S., Papafaklis M., Nikopoulos S., Gijsen F., Michalis L., Fotiadis D.I., Marias K., Diagnostics, 2021, 11, 8
  32. `Athppa: A data visualization tool for identifying political popularity over twitter`, Britzolakis A., Kondylakis H., Papadakis N., Information (Switzerland), 2021, 12, 8
  33. `Unification of edge energy grids for empowering small energy producers`, Markakis E.K., Nikoloudakis Y., Lapidaki K., Fiorentzis K., Karapidakis E., Sustainability (Switzerland), 2021, 13, 15
  34. `The constantly evolving role of medical image processing in oncology: From traditional medical image processing to imaging biomarkers and radiomics`, Marias K., Journal of Imaging, 2021, 7, 8
  35. `Progress and challenges in industrially promising chemical vapour deposition processes for the synthesis of large-area metal oxide electrode materials designed for aqueous battery systems`, Vernardou D., Materials, 2021, 14, 15
  36. `Deep learning for diabetic retinopathy detection and classification based on fundus images: A review`, Tsiknakis N., Theodoropoulos D., Manikis G., Ktistakis E., Boutsora O., Berto A., Scarpa F., Scarpa A., Fotiadis D.I., Marias K., Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2021, 135,
  37. `Towards an optimized security approach to IoT devices with confidential healthcare data exchange`, Andreas A., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Do D.-T., Batalla J.M., Pallis E., Markakis E.K., Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2021, 80, 20
  38. `A high performance flexible and robust printed thermoelectric generator based on hybridized Te nanowires with PEDOT:PSS`, Karalis G., Tzounis L., Mytafides C.K., Tsirka K., Formanek P., Stylianakis M., Kymakis E., Paipetis A.S., Applied Energy, 2021, 294,
  39. `WBSum: Workload-based Summaries for RDF/S KBs`, Vassiliou G., Troullinou G., Papadakis N., Kondylakis H., ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2021, ,
  40. `The role of diodes in the leakage current suppression mechanism of decoupling transformerless PV inverter topologies`, Orfanoudakis G.I., Koutroulis E., Foteinopoulos G., 2021 10th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2021, 2021, ,
  41. `Segmenting 20 types of pollen grains for the cretan pollen dataset v1 (CPD-1)`, Tsiknakis N., Savvidaki E., Kafetzopoulos S., Manikis G., Vidakis N., Marias K., Alissandrakis E., Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2021, 11, 14
  42. `Towards a machine learning based situational awareness framework for cybersecurity: An SDN implementation`, Nikoloudakis Y., Kefaloukos I., Klados S., Panagiotakis S., Pallis E., Skianis C., Markakis E.K., Sensors, 2021, 21, 14
  43. `Reference architectures, platforms, and pilots for european smart and healthy living—analysis and comparison`, Grguric A., Khan O., Ortega-Gil A., Markakis E.K., Pozdniakov K., Kloukinas C., Medrano-Gil A.M., Gaeta E., Fico G., Koloutsou K., Electronics (Switzerland), 2021, 10, 14
  44. `Prediction of COVID-19 Infection Based on Symptoms and Social Life Using Machine Learning Techniques`, Zervoudakis S., Marakakis E., Kondylakis H., Goumas S., ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2021, ,
  45. `Utilization of Demand Side Generation in Secondary and Tertiary Reserve Mechanisms of Island Power Systems`, Fiorentzis K., Paspatis A., Tsikalakis A., Karapidakis E., 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering, ICECCE 2021, 2021, ,
  46. `Development of a Tomato Harvesting Robot: Peduncle Recognition and Approaching`, Kounalakis N., Kalykakis E., Pettas M., Makris A., Kavoussanos M.M., Sfakiotakis M., Fasoulas J., HORA 2021 – 3rd International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications, Proceedings, 2021, ,
  47. `Inverted perovskite solar cells with enhanced lifetime and thermal stability enabled by a metallic tantalum disulfide buffer layer`, Chatzimanolis K., Rogdakis K., Tsikritzis D., Tzoganakis N., Tountas M., Krassas M., Bellani S., Najafi L., Martín-García B., Oropesa-Nuñez R., Prato M., Bianca G., Plutnarova I., Sofer Z., Bonaccorso F., Kymakis E., Nanoscale Advances, 2021, 3, 11
  48. `IoT cloud-based framework using of smart integration to control the spread of COVID-19`, Andreas A., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Mongay Batalla J., Sahalos J.N., Pallis E., Markakis E., IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2021, ,
  49. `Predictive analytics based on open source technologies for acute respiratory distress syndrome`, Chaniotakis V., Koumakis L., Kondylakis H., Notas G., Plexousakis D., Tsiknakis M., Proceedings – IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2021, 2021-June,
  50. `Cerebral CT perfusion in acute stroke: The effect of lowering the tube load and sampling rate on the reproducibility of parametric maps`, Ioannidis G.S., Christensen S., Nikiforaki K., Trivizakis E., Perisinakis K., Hatzidakis A., Karantanas A., Reyes M., Lansberg M., Marias K., Diagnostics, 2021, 11, 6
  51. `Up-scalable emerging energy conversion technologies enabled by 2D materials: From miniature power harvesters towards grid-connected energy systems`, Rogdakis K., Karakostas N., Kymakis E., Energy and Environmental Science, 2021, 14, 6
  52. `Secure asset tracking in manufacturing through employing IOTA distributed ledger technology`, Leivadaros S., Kornaros G., Coppola M., Proceedings – 21st IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing, CCGrid 2021, 2021, ,
  53. `Progress on V2O5 cathodes for multivalent aqueous batteries`, Karapidakis E., Vernardou D., Materials, 2021, 14, 9
  54. `Pathomics and deep learning classification of a heterogeneous fluorescence histology image dataset`, Ioannidis G.S., Trivizakis E., Metzakis I., Papagiannakis S., Lagoudaki E., Marias K., Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2021, 11, 9
  55. `Differentiating low from high-grade soft tissue sarcomas using post-processed imaging parameters derived from multiple DWI models`, Manikis G.C., Nikiforaki K., Lagoudaki E., de Bree E., Maris T.G., Marias K., Karantanas A.H., European Journal of Radiology, 2021, 138,
  56. `From Hardware-Software Contracts to Industrial IoT-Cloud Block-chains for Security`, Bakoyiannis D., Tomoutzoglou O., Kornaros G., Coppola M., 2021 Smart Systems Integration, SSI 2021, 2021, ,
  57. `Catechol-Coordinated Framework Film-based Micro-Supercapacitors with AC Line Filtering Performance`, Yu T., Wang Y., Jiang K., Zhai G., Ke C., Zhang J., Li J., Tranca D., Kymakis E., Zhuang X., Chemistry – A European Journal, 2021, 27, 20
  58. `The smart‐insole dataset: Gait analysis using wearable sensors with a focus on elderly and parkinson’s patients`, Chatzaki C., Skaramagkas V., Tachos N., Christodoulakis G., Maniadi E., Kefalopoulou Z., Fotiadis D.I., Tsiknakis M., Sensors, 2021, 21, 8
  59. `Ontology based governance for employee services`, Tzagkarakis E., Kondylakis H., Vardakis G., Papadakis N., Algorithms, 2021, 14, 4
  60. `Rational Control of Topological Defects in Porous Carbon for High-Efficiency Carbon Dioxide Conversion`, Jiang P., Jiang K., Tranca D., Zhu J., Qiu F., Ke C., Lu C., Kymakis E., Zhuang X., Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021, 8, 7
  61. `A machine learning-based pipeline for modeling medical, socio-demographic, lifestyle and self-reported psychological traits as predictors of mental health outcomes after breast cancer diagnosis: An initial effort to define resilience effects`, Kourou K., Manikis G., Poikonen-Saksela P., Mazzocco K., Pat-Horenczyk R., Sousa B., Oliveira-Maia A.J., Mattson J., Roziner I., Pettini G., Kondylakis H., Marias K., Karademas E., Simos P., Fotiadis D.I., Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2021, 131,
  62. `Air-Processed Infrared-Annealed Printed Methylammonium-Free Perovskite Solar Cells and Modules Incorporating Potassium-Doped Graphene Oxide as an Interlayer`, Castriotta L.A., Matteocci F., Vesce L., Cinà L., Agresti A., Pescetelli S., Ronconi A., Löffler M., Stylianakis M.M., Di Giacomo F., Mariani P., Stefanelli M., Speller E.M., Alfano A., Paci B., Generosi A., Di Fonzo F., Petrozza A., Rellinghaus B., Kymakis E., Di Carlo A., ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2021, 13, 10
  63. `Electrochemical investigation of phenethylammonium bismuth iodide as anode in aqueous zn2+ electrolytes`, Daskalakis S., Wang M., Carmalt C.J., Vernardou D., Nanomaterials, 2021, 11, 3
  64. `Rgo functionalized ZnO–TiO2 core-shell flower-like architectures for visible light photocatalysis`, Vasilaki E., Katsarakis N., Dokianakis S., Vamvakaki M., Catalysts, 2021, 11, 3
  65. `Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain-Assisted Offloading Approach for Data Availability Maximization in Edge Nodes`, Manogaran G., Mumtaz S., Mavromoustakis C.X., Pallis E., Mastorakis G., IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021, 70, 3
  66. `Quinone-enriched conjugated microporous polymer as an organic cathode for Li-ion batteries`, Ouyang Z., Tranca D., Zhao Y., Chen Z., Fu X., Zhu J., Zhai G., Ke C., Kymakis E., Zhuang X., ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2021, 13, 7
  67. `Improved field evaluation of reference cells using spectral measurements`, Vignola F., Peterson J., Kessler R., Sandhu V., Snider S., Habte A., Gotseff P., Andreas A., Sengupta M., Mavromatakis F., Solar Energy, 2021, 215,
  68. `A survey of Twitter research: Data model, graph structure, sentiment analysis and attacks`, Antonakaki D., Fragopoulou P., Ioannidis S., Expert Systems with Applications, 2021, 164,
  69. `Graph-based denoising of EEG signals in impulsive environments`, Pentari A., Tzagkarakis G., Marias K., Tsakalides P., European Signal Processing Conference, 2021, 2021-January,
  70. `On analyzing routing selection for aerial autonomous vehicles connected to mobile network`, Batalla J.M., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Markakis E.K., Pallis E., Wichary T., Krawiec P., Lekston P., Sensors (Switzerland), 2021, 21, 2
  71. `ComBat harmonization for multicenter MRI based radiomics features`, Stamoulou E., Manikis G.C., Tsiknakis M., Marias K., IST 2021 – IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Proceedings, 2021, 2021-January,
  72. `Influence of Diffuse and Ground-Reflected Irradiance on the Spectral Modeling of Solar Reference Cells`, Vignola F., Peterson J., Kessler R., Snider S., Gotseff P., Sengupta M., Habte A., Andreas A., Mavromatakis F., American Solar Energy Society National Solar Conference 2021 Proceedings, SOLAR 2021, 2021, ,
  73. `Enhancement of COVID-19 Detection by Unravelling its Structure and Selecting the Optimal Attributes`, Andreas A., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Batalla J.M., Sahalos J.N., Pallis E., Markakis E., 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2021 – Proceedings, 2021, ,
  74. `Transfer Time Calculation in FANET and WSN Networks in Crisis Scenario`, Khayat G., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Batalla J.M., Pallis E., Markakis E.K., 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2021 – Proceedings, 2021, ,
  75. `Designing a conversational agent for patients with hematologic malignancies: Usability and usefulness study`, Chatzimina M., Papadaki H., Pontikoglou C., Koumakis L., Marias K., Tsiknakis M., BHI 2021 – 2021 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, Proceedings, 2021, ,
  76. `Development and Initial Evaluation of a Multi-Purpose Spraying Robot Prototype`, Chrysoulakis C., Fasoulas J., Sfakiotakis M., 2021 20th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2021, 2021, ,
  77. `IoT Botnet Detection on Flow Data using Autoencoders`, Kompougias O., Papadopoulos D., Mantas E., Litke A., Papadakis N., Paraschos D., Kourtis A., Xylouris G., 2021 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking, MeditCom 2021, 2021, ,
  78. `Practical Autonomous Cyberhealth for resilient Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises`, Mantas E., Papadopoulos D., Fernandez C., Ortiz N., Compastie M., Martinez A.L., Perez M.G., Kourtis A., Xylouris G., Mlakar I., Tsarsitalidis S., Klonidis D., Pedone I., Canavese D., Perez G.M., Sanvito D., Logothetis V., Lopez D., Pastor A., Lioy A., Jacquin L., Bifulco R., Kapodistria A., Priovolos A., Gardikis G., Neokosmidis I., Rokkas T., Papadakis N., Paraschos D., Jeran P., Litke A., Athanasiou G., 2021 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking, MeditCom 2021, 2021, ,
  79. `Exploring Artificial Intelligence methods for recognizing human activities in real time by exploiting inertial sensors`, Boucharas D., Androutsos C., Tachos N.S., Tripolitit E.E., Manousos D., Skaramagkas V., Ktistakis E., Tsiknakis M., Fotiadis D.I., BIBE 2021 – 21st IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, Proceedings, 2021, ,
  80. `A machine learning approach to predict emotional arousal and valence from gaze extracted features`, Skaramagkas V., Ktistakis E., Manousos D., Tachos N.S., Kazantzaki E., Tripoliti E.E., Fotiadis D.I., Tsiknakis M., BIBE 2021 – 21st IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, Proceedings, 2021, ,
  81. `CareKeeper: A Platform for Intelligent Care Coordination`, Kondylakis H., Katehakis D.G., Kouroubali A., Marias K., Flouris G., Patkos T., Fundulaki I., Plexousakis D., BIBE 2021 – 21st IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, Proceedings, 2021, ,
  82. `A Deep Learning-based cropping technique to improve segmentation of prostate’s peripheral zone`, Zaridis D., Mylona E., Tachos N., Marias K., Tsiknakis M., Fotiadis D.I., BIBE 2021 – 21st IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, Proceedings, 2021, ,
  83. `Cognitive workload level estimation based on eye tracking: A machine learning approach`, Skaramagkas V., Ktistakis E., Manousos D., Tachos N.S., Kazantzaki E., Tripoliti E.E., Fotiadis D.I., Tsiknakis M., BIBE 2021 – 21st IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, Proceedings, 2021, ,
  84. `Robust Encryption to Enhance IoT Confidentiality for Healthcare Ecosystems`, Andreas A., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Batalla J.M., Sahalos J.N., Pallis E., Markakis E., IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, CAMAD, 2021, 2021-October,
  85. `Prediction of Poor Mental Health Following Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Random Forests 1`, Mylona E., Kourou K., Manikis G., Kondylakis H., Marias K., Karademas E., Poikonen-Saksela P., Mazzocco K., Marzorati C., Pat-Horenczyk R., Roziner I., Sousa B., Oliveira-Maia A., Simos P., Fotiadis D.I., Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2021, ,
  86. `Real Time Human Activity Recognition Using Acceleration and First-Person Camera data`, Androutsos C., Tachos N.S., Tripoliti E.E., Karatzanis I., Manousos D., Tsiknakis M., Fotiadis D.I., Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2021, ,
  87. `Gait and balance patterns related to Free-Walking and TUG tests in Parkinson’s Disease based on plantar pressure data`, Tsakanikas V.D., Dimopoulos D.G., Tachos N.S., Chatzaki C., Skaramagkas V., Christodoulakis G., Tsiknakis M., Fotiadis D.I., Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2021, ,
  88. `SumMER: Summarizing RDF/S KBs using Machine LEaRning`, Trouli G.E., Troullinou G., Koumakis L., Papadakis N., Kondylakis H., CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021, 2980,
  89. `Stable and precise optical bench for space applications`, Drougakis G., Tzardis V., Pal D., Pareek V., Vasilakis G., Papadakis N., Papazoglou D.G., von Klitzing W., Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2021, 11852,
  90. `Coverage-Based Summaries for RDF KBs`, Vassiliou G., Troullinou G., Papadakis N., Stefanidis K., Pitoura E., Kondylakis H., Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2021, 12739 LNCS,
  91. `Impact of jamming signal on system performance in downlink of IoT network relying on nonorthogonal multiple access`, Hoang T-A., Le C.-B., Do D.-T., Khan I., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Pallis E., Markakis E.K., Intelligent Wireless Communications, 2021, ,
  92. `Forecast of electricity consumption: A comparison of ARIMA and neural networks`, Pseftelis T., Mavromoustakis C., Mastorakis G., Chatzimisios P., Markakis E.K., Pallis E., Batalla J.M., Intelligent Wireless Communications, 2021, ,
  93. `Intelligent agents system for medical information communication`, Evtimova-Gardair M., Pallis E., Intelligent Wireless Communications, 2021, ,
  94. `Intelligent wireless communications`, Mastorakis G., Mavromoustakis C.X., Batalla J.M., Pallis E., Intelligent Wireless Communications, 2021, ,
  95. `Damaged critical infrastructure for VANETs`, Khayat G., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Batalla J.M., Maalouf H., Pallis E., Markakis E.K., Khan I., Magaia N., Intelligent Wireless Communications, 2021, ,
  96. `Machine learning algorithms for smart data analysis in the Internet of things: An overview`, Alsharif M.H., Kelechi A.H., Khan I., Albreem M.A., Jahid A., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Pallis E., Markakis E.K., Intelligent Wireless Communications, 2021, ,
  97. `Discrete wavelet transform applications in the IoMT`, Al-Shayea T.K., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Batalla J.M., Palli E., Markakis E.K., Khan I., Do D.-T., Intelligent Wireless Communications, 2021, ,
  98. `Delta: A modular ontology evaluation system`, Kondylakis H., Nikolaos A., Dimitra P., Anastasios K., Emmanouel K., Kyriakos K., Iraklis S., Stylianos K., Papadakis N., Information (Switzerland), 2021, 12, 8
  99. `Difficulties and Disparities to Distance Learning During Covid-19 Period for Deaf Students –A Proposed Method to Eradicate Inequalities`, Karampidis K., Trigoni A., Papadourakis G., Christofaki M., Escudeiro N., Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2021, 12677 LNCS,
  100. `Transforming Classic Learning Games with the Use of AR: The Case of the Word Hangman Game`, Logothetis I., Papadourakis G., Katsaris I., Katsios K., Vidakis N., Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2021, 12785 LNCS,
  101. `Autonomous underwater vehicle challenge: design and construction of a medium-sized, AI-enabled low-cost prototype`, Paraschos D., Papadakis N.K., Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, 2021, ,
  102. `VASNET Routing Protocol in Crisis Scenario Based on Carrier Vehicle`, Khayat G., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Maalouf H., Batalla J.M., Pallis E., Magaia N., Markakis E.K., Internet of Things, 2021, ,
  103. `Intelligently Reduce Transportation’s Energy Consumption`, Andreou A., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Pallis E., Magaia N., Markakis E.K., Internet of Things, 2021, ,
  104. `SnLocate: A Location-Based Routing Protocol for Delay-Tolerant Networks`, Moreira E., Magaia N., Pereira P.R., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Pallis E., Markakis E.K., Internet of Things, 2021, ,
  105. `PENELOPIE: Enabling open information extraction for the Greek language through machine translation`, Papadopoulos D., Papadakis N., Matsatsinis N., EACL 2021 – 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop, 2021, ,
  106. `Review of eye tracking metrics involved in emotional and cognitive processes`, Skaramagkas V., Giannakakis G., Ktistakis E., Manousos D., Karatzanis I., Tachos N., Tripoliti E.E., Marias K., Fotiadis D.I.I., Tsiknakis M., IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 2021, ,
  107. `x86 System Management Mode (SMM) Evaluation for Mixed Critical Systems`, Mouzakitis N., Paolino M., Grammatikakis M.D., Raho D., Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2021, 738,
  108. `Validation of Soft Real-Time in Remote ECG Analysis`, Grammatikakis M.D., Koumarelis A., Ntallaris E., Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2021, 738,
  109. `Software Architecture of a User-Level GNU/Linux Driver for a Complex E-Health Biosensor`, Grammatikakis M.D., Koumarelis A., Mouzakitis A., Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2021, 738,
  110. `Advanced clinical imaging for the evaluation of stem cell based therapies`, Klontzas M.E., Kakkos G.A., Papadakis G.Z., Marias K., Karantanas A.H., Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy, 2021, 21, 9
  111. `SPD-safe: Secure administration of railway intelligent transportation systems`, Hatzivasilis G., Fysarakis K., Ioannidis S., Hatzakis I., Vardakis G., Papadakis N., Spanoudakis G., Electronics (Switzerland), 2021, 10, 1
  112. `Tracking vital signs of a patient using channel state information and machine learning for a smart healthcare system`, Khan M.I., Jan M.A., Muhammad Y., Do D.-T., Rehman A., Mavromoustakis C.X., Pallis E., Neural Computing and Applications, 2021, ,
  113. `A training tool to support the management and diagnosis of Sjögren’s syndrome`, Chatzaki C., Goules A., De Vita S., Zabotti A., Delporte C., Soyfoo M.S., Barone F., Fisher B.A., Brito-Zerón P., Bartoloni E., Mavragani C.P., Fotiadis D.I., Tzioufas A.G., Tsiknakis M., Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 2021, 38, 4
  1. `Tuning the workfunction of ZnO through surface doping with Mn from first-principles simulations`, Douloumis A., Vrithias N.R.E., Katsarakis N., Remediakis I.N., Kopidakis G., Surface Science, 2022, 726,
  2. `Considerations for artificial intelligence clinical impact in oncologic imaging: an AI4HI position paper`, Marti-Bonmati L., Koh D.-M., Riklund K., Bobowicz M., Roussakis Y., Vilanova J.C., Fütterer J.J., Rimola J., Mallol P., Ribas G., Miguel A., Tsiknakis M., Lekadir K., Tsakou G., Insights into Imaging, 2022, 13, 1
  3. `COLET: A dataset for COgnitive workLoad estimation based on eye-tracking`, Ktistakis E., Skaramagkas V., Manousos D., Tachos N.S., Tripoliti E., Fotiadis D.I., Tsiknakis M., Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2022, 224,
  4. `Graph denoising of impulsive EEG signals and the effect of their graph representation`, Pentari A., Tzagkarakis G., Marias K., Tsakalides P., Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2022, 78,
  5. `Fault-Tolerant SDN Solution for Cybersecurity Applications`, Liatifis A., Dalamagkas C., Radoglou-Grammatikis P., Lagkas T., Markakis E., Mladenov V., Sarigiannidis P., ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2022, ,
  6. `Deep Learning for the Differential Diagnosis between Transient Osteoporosis and Avascular Necrosis of the Hip`, Klontzas M.E., Stathis I., Spanakis K., Zibis A.H., Marias K., Karantanas A.H., Diagnostics, 2022, 12, 8
  7. `Economic Assessment of Photovoltaics Sizing on a Sports Center’s Microgrid Equipped with PEV Chargers`, Karapidakis E., Konstantinidis G., Vidakis N., Yfanti S., Applied System Innovation, 2022, 5, 4
  8. `CombiCSP: A python routine for dynamic modeling of concentrating solar power plants[Formula presented]`, Arnaoutakis G.E., Papadakis N., Katsaprakakis D.A., Software Impacts, 2022, 13,
  9. `Automatic stress analysis from facial videos based on deep facial action units recognition`, Giannakakis G., Koujan M.R., Roussos A., Marias K., Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2022, 25, 3
  10. `High electrochemical performance of ink solution based on manganese cobalt sulfide/reduced graphene oxide nano-composites for supercapacitor electrode materials`, Thanh Tam L.T., Tung D.T., Nguyet H.M., Ngoc Linh N.T., Dung N.T., Van Quynh N., Van Dang N., Vernardou D., Le T.K., Tuan L.A., Minh P.N., Lu L.T., RSC Advances, 2022, 12, 31
  11. `Type 1 Diabetes Hypoglycemia Prediction Algorithms: Systematic Review`, Tsichlaki S., Koumakis L., Tsiknakis M., JMIR Diabetes, 2022, 7, 3
  12. `Functionalized BODIPYs as Tailor-Made and Universal Interlayers for Efficient and Stable Organic and Perovskite Solar Cells`, Soultati A., Nunzi F., Fakharuddin A., Verykios A., Armadorou K.K., Tountas M., Panagiotakis S., Polydorou E., Charisiadis A., Nikolaou V., Papadakis M., Charalambidis G., Nikoloudakis E., Yannakopoulou K., Bao X., Yang C., Dunbar A.D.F., Kymakis E., Palilis L.C., Mohd Yusoff A.R.B., Argitis P., Coutsolelos A.G., De Angelis F., Nazeeruddin M.K., Vasilopoulou M., Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2022, 9, 21
  13. `Integration of two-dimensional materials-based perovskite solar panels into a stand-alone solar farm`, Pescetelli S., Agresti A., Viskadouros G., Razza S., Rogdakis K., Kalogerakis I., Spiliarotis E., Leonardi E., Mariani P., Sorbello L., Pierro M., Cornaro C., Bellani S., Najafi L., Martín-García B., Del Rio Castillo A.E., Oropesa-Nuñez R., Prato M., Maranghi S., Parisi M.L., Sinicropi A., Basosi R., Bonaccorso F., Kymakis E., Di Carlo A., Nature Energy, 2022, 7, 7
  14. `Teaching ancient Greek theatre through in-game exploration: The case of ThimelEdu`, Barianos A.K., Logothetis I., Kalogiannakis M., Vidakis N., The Digital Folklore of Cyberculture and Digital Humanities, 2022, ,
  15. `Gamification techniques capitalizing on state-of-the-art technologies`, Logothetis I., Barianos A.K., Papadakis A., Christinaki E., Charalampakos O., Katsaris I., Kalogiannakis M., Vidakis N., The Digital Folklore of Cyberculture and Digital Humanities, 2022, ,
  16. `One-Day-Ahead Solar Irradiation and Windspeed Forecasting with Advanced Deep Learning Techniques`, Blazakis K., Katsigiannis Y., Stavrakakis G., Energies, 2022, 15, 12
  17. `Construction of a Low-Cost Layered Interactive Dashboard with Capacitive Sensing`, Lamari A.T., Panagiotakis S., Kamarianakis Z., Loukas G., Malamos A., Markakis E., Information (Switzerland), 2022, 13, 6
  18. `Differentiation between subchondral insufficiency fractures and advanced osteoarthritis of the knee using transfer learning and an ensemble of convolutional neural networks`, Klontzas M.E., Vassalou E.E., Kakkos G.A., Spanakis K., Zibis A., Marias K., Karantanas A.H., Injury, 2022, 53, 6
  19. `Data Ingestion for AI in Prostate Cancer`, Kondylakis H., Sfakianakis S., Kalokyri V., Tachos N., Fotiadis D., Marias K., Tsiknakis M., Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 2022, 294,
  20. `A Real-Time Acoustic Observatory for Sperm-Whale Localization in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea`, Skarsoulis E.K., Piperakis G.S., Orfanakis E., Papadakis P., Pavlidi D., Kalogerakis M.A., Alexiadou P., Frantzis A., Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9,
  21. `Evaluation of solar reference cells on a two-axis tracker using spectral measurements`, Yignola F., Peterson J., Kessler R., Snider S., Andreas A., Habte A., Gotseff P., Sengupta M., Mavromatakis F., AIP Conference Proceedings, 2022, 2445,
  22. `Defect passivation in perovskite solar cells using an amino-functionalized BODIPY fluorophore`, Soultati A., Tountas M., Fakharuddin A., Skoulikidou M.-C., Verykios A., Armadorou K.-K., Tzoganakis N., Vidali V.P., Sakellis I., Koralli P., Chochos C.L., Petsalakis I., Nikoloudakis E., Palilis L.C., Filippatos P.-P., Argitis P., Davazoglou D., Mohd Yusoff A.R.b., Kymakis E., Coutsolelos A.G., Vasilopoulou M., Sustainable Energy and Fuels, 2022, 6, 10
  23. `Perspectives on Iron Oxide-Based Materials with Carbon as Anodes for Li- and K-Ion Batteries`, Valvo M., Floraki C., Paillard E., Edström K., Vernardou D., Nanomaterials, 2022, 12, 9
  24. `Enhancing Security-Problem-Based Deep Learning in Mobile Edge Computing`, Zheng X., Li M., Shah S.B.H., Do D.-T., Chen Y., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Pallis E., ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 2022, 22, 2
  25. `Smart Home: Deep Learning as a Method for Machine Learning in Recognition of Face, Silhouette and Human Activity in the Service of a Safe Home`, Vardakis G., Tsamis G., Koutsaki E., Haridimos K., Papadakis N., Electronics (Switzerland), 2022, 11, 10
  26. `Melding Fog Computing and IoT for Deploying Secure, Response-Capable Healthcare Services in 5G and Beyond`, Tselios C., Politis I., Amaxilatis D., Akrivopoulos O., Chatzigiannakis I., Panagiotakis S., Markakis E.K., Sensors, 2022, 22, 9
  27. `Discovery and Classification of Twitter Bots`, Shevtsov A., Oikonomidou M., Antonakaki D., Pratikakis P., Kanterakis A., Fragopoulou P., Ioannidis S., SN Computer Science, 2022, 3, 3
  28. `Correction to: Automatic stress analysis from facial videos based on deep facial action units recognition (Pattern Analysis and Applications, (2021), 10.1007/s10044-021-01012-9)`, Giannakakis G., Koujan M.R., Roussos A., Marias K., Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2022, 25, 2
  29. `Software-defined hardware-assisted isolation for trusted next-generation IoT systems`, Kolimbianakis F.-G., Kornaros G., Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2022, ,
  30. `Smart Campus Microgrids towards a Sustainable Energy Transition—The Case Study of the Hellenic Mediterranean University in Crete`, Paspatis A., Fiorentzis K., Katsigiannis Y., Karapidakis E., Mathematics, 2022, 10, 7
  31. `Deep Learning in mHealth for Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, and Cancer: Systematic Review`, Triantafyllidis A., Kondylakis H., Katehakis D., Kouroubali A., Koumakis L., Marias K., Alexiadis A., Votis K., Tzovaras D., JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2022, 10, 4
  32. `Pollen Grain Classification Based on Ensemble Transfer Learning on the Cretan Pollen Dataset`, Tsiknakis N., Savvidaki E., Manikis G.C., Gotsiou P., Remoundou I., Marias K., Alissandrakis E., Vidakis N., Plants, 2022, 11, 7
  33. `Diffusion Weighted Imaging in the Assessment of Tumor Grade in Endometrial Cancer Based on Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI`, Chryssou E.G., Manikis G.C., Ioannidis G.S., Chaniotis V., Vrekoussis T., Maris T.G., Marias K., Karantanas A.H., Diagnostics, 2022, 12, 3
  34. `Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Wireless Systems with Imperfect Hardware`, Nguyen N.D., Le A.-T., Munochiveyi M., Afghah F., Pallis E., Electronics (Switzerland), 2022, 11, 6
  35. `Recent advances in vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) towards related applications in chromogenics and beyond: fundamentals, progress, and perspectives`, Le T.K., Pham P.V., Dong C.-L., Bahlawane N., Vernardou D., Mjejri I., Rougier A., Kim S.W., Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2022, 10, 11
  36. `Mitigating the Impact of an Official PEV Charger Deployment Plan on an Urban Grid`, Konstantinidis G., Karapidakis E., Paspatis A., Energies, 2022, 15, 4
  37. `Quantification and Classification of Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Breast Cancer Data: A Preliminary Study`, Ioannidis G.S., Goumenakis M., Stefanis I., Karantanas A., Marias K., Diagnostics, 2022, 12, 2
  38. `APCVD Graphene-Based Composite Electrodes for Li-Ion Batteries`, Floraki C., Sapountzis A., Vernardou D., Energies, 2022, 15, 3
  39. `Changes in resting-state functional connectivity in neuropsychiatric lupus: A dynamic approach based on recurrence quantification analysis`, Pentari A., Tzagkarakis G., Tsakalides P., Simos P., Bertsias G., Kavroulakis E., Marias K., Simos N.J., Papadaki E., Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2022, 72,
  40. `Predicting long-term outcomes of ultrasound-guided percutaneous irrigation of calcific tendinopathy with the use of machine learning`, Vassalou E.E., Klontzas M.E., Marias K., Karantanas A.H., Skeletal Radiology, 2022, 51, 2
  41. `FarFetched: Entity-centric Reasoning and Claim Validation for the Greek Language based on Textually Represented Environments`, Papadopoulos D., Metropoulou K., Matsatsinis N., Papadakis N., DeepLo 2022 – 3rd Workshop on Deep Learning Approaches for Low-Resource NLP, Proceedings of the DeepLo Workshop, 2022, ,
  42. `SURVEYING PARENTAL MEDIATION AND DIGITAL LITERACY. WERE PARENTS READY DURING COVID-19?`, Daskalaki E., Panagiotakis C., Papadakis H., Fragopoulou P., Proceedings of the International Conferences on e-Society 2022 and Mobile Learning 2022, 2022, ,
  43. `Many-Body State and Dynamic Behaviour of the Pair-Correlation Function of a Small Bose–Einstein Condensate Confined in a Ring Potential`, Roussou A., Smyrnakis J., Magiropoulos M., Kavoulakis G.M., Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2022, ,
  44. `Protecting IEC 60870-5-104 ICS/SCADA Systems with Honeypots`, Grigoriou E., Liatifis A., Grammatikis P.R., Lagkas T., Moscholios I., Markakis E., Sarigiannidis P., Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience, CSR 2022, 2022, ,
  45. `Risk Analysis of DNP3 Attacks`, Kelli V., Radoglou-Grammatikis P., Lagkas T., Markakis E.K., Sarigiannidis P., Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience, CSR 2022, 2022, ,
  46. `Swarm UAV Network Constraints in Damaged Infrastructures`, Khayat G., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Mongay Batalla J., Pallis E., IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2022, 2022-May,
  47. `Internal Virus Detection Framework Based on IoT Semantic Interoperability`, Andreas A., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Batalla J.M., Mukherjee M., Pallis E., IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2022, 2022-May,
  48. `PROper-Net: A Deep-Learning Approach for Prostate’s Peripheral Zone Segmentation based on MR imaging`, Mylona E., Zaridis D., Tachos N., Marias K., Tsiknakis M., Fotiadis D.I., MELECON 2022 – IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Proceedings, 2022, ,
  49. `Design optimization of Aalborg-Type transformerless PV inverters with focus on power quality`, Orfanoudakis G.I., Foteinopoulos G., Koutroulis E., Wu W., 2022 11th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2022, 2022, ,
  50. `Weighted Cluster Routing Protocol with Redundant Cluster Head for Damaged WSN`, Khayat G., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Batalla J.M., Pallis E., ENERGYCON 2022 – 2022 IEEE 7th International Energy Conference, Proceedings, 2022, ,
  51. `Energy Conservation by using the Integration of Distributed Energy System in Smart Vehicles`, Andreas A., Mavromoustakis C.X., Mastorakis G., Batalla J.M., Pallis E., ENERGYCON 2022 – 2022 IEEE 7th International Energy Conference, Proceedings, 2022, ,
  52. `T2 relaxometry tool for calibration and quantification of iron concentration based on multi echo MRI data`, Ioannidis G.S., Nikiforaki K., Kalaitzakis G., Boursianis T., Antonopoulos G., Maris T.G., Marias K., IST 2022 – IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Proceedings, 2022, ,
  53. `Memristive perovskite solar cells towards parallel solar energy harvesting and processing-in-memory computing`, Rogdakis K., Loizos M., Viskadouros G., Kymakis E., Materials Advances, 2022, ,
  54. `Remote Arduino Labs for Teaching Microcontrollers and Internet of Things Programming`, Panagiotakis S., Karampidis K., Garefalakis M., Tsironi-Lamari A., Rallis I., Kamarianakis Z., Papadourakis G., Proceedings of the 2022 31st Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering, EAEEIE 2022, 2022, ,
  55. `Remote access laboratory setup for physical computing courses`, Mouratis K., Stivaktakis G., Sfakiotakis M., Proceedings of the 2022 31st Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering, EAEEIE 2022, 2022, ,
  56. `A framework to enhance students’ soft skills within the context of international engineering project collaboration`, Geraedts H., Bencheva N., Albuquerque A., Karampidis K., Papadourakis G., Proceedings of the 2022 31st Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering, EAEEIE 2022, 2022, ,
  57. `A Rule-Based Method for Efficient Electric Vehicle Charging Scheduling at Parking Lots`, Konstantinidis G., Karapidakis E., Paspatis A., IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2022, 649 IFIP,
  58. `Synoris: An unmanned underwater platform based on hydrophone arrays for detection and tracking from sound signatures`, Papadakis N., Paraschos D., International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 16,
  59. `Semantic Segmentation of Diabetic Retinopathy Lesions, Using a UNET with Pretrained Encoder`, Theodoropoulos D., Manikis G.C., Marias K., Papadourakis G., Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2022, 1600 CCIS,
  60. `Covalent Triazine Frameworks and Porous Carbons: Perspective from an Azulene-Based Case`, Jiang K., Peng P., Tranca D., Tong G., Ke C., Lu C., Hu J., Liang H., Li J., Zhou S., Kymakis E., Zhuang X., Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2022, ,
  61. `Prediction of abdominal aortic aneurysm growth by artificial intelligence taking into account clinical, biologic, morphologic, and biomechanical variables`, Kontopodis N., Klontzas M., Tzirakis K., Charalambous S., Marias K., Tsetis D., Karantanas A., Ioannou C.V., Vascular, 2022, ,
  62. `Hardware-Assisted Machine Learning in Resource-Constrained IoT Environments for Security: Review and Future Prospective`, Kornaros G., IEEE Access, 2022, 10,
  63. `Age recommendations for children’s films: associations between advisories on a US site and parents’ ratings`, Daskalaki E., Panagiotakis C., Papadakis H., Fragopoulou P., Journal of Children and Media, 2022, ,
  64. `DoS Detection on In-Vehicle Networks: Evaluation on an Experimental Embedded System Platform`, Grammatikakis M.D., Mouzakitis N., Kypraios L., Papatheodorou N., Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2022, 866 LNEE,
  65. `Comparison of a Medical-Grade and an Open ECG Biosensor Using a Soft Real-Time m-Health Platform`, Grammatikakis M.D., Androulakis M., Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2022, 866 LNEE,
  66. `Implementation of Unbalanced Thermoelectric Equivalent Circuit for Power Flow and Thermal Rating of Underground LV and MV Cables`, Pompodakis E., Chrysochos A., Ahmed A., Karapidakis E., Alexiadis M.C., IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2022, ,
  67. `Collaborative filtering recommender systems taxonomy`, Papadakis H., Papagrigoriou A., Panagiotakis C., Kosmas E., Fragopoulou P., Knowledge and Information Systems, 2022, 64, 1
  68. `Addressing the clinical unmet needs in primary Sjögren’s Syndrome through the sharing, harmonization and federated analysis of 21 European cohorts`, Pezoulas V.C., Goules A., Kalatzis F., Chatzis L., Kourou K.D., Venetsanopoulou A., Exarchos T.P., Gandolfo S., Votis K., Zampeli E., Burmeister J., May T., Marcelino Pérez M., Lishchuk I., Chondrogiannis T., Andronikou V., Varvarigou T., Filipovic N., Tsiknakis M., Baldini C., Bombardieri M., Bootsma H., Bowman S.J., Shahnawaz Soyfoo M., Parisis D., Delporte C., Devauchelle-Pensec V., Pers J.-O., Dörner T., Bartoloni E., Gerli R., Giacomelli R., Jonsson R., Ng W.-F., Priori R., Ramos-Casals M., Sivils K., Skopouli F., Torsten W., A. G. van Roon J., Xavier M., De Vita S., Tzioufas A.G., Fotiadis D.I., Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 2022, 20,
  69. `Special issue: Perovskite nanostructures: From material design to applications`, Kostopoulou A., Vernardou D., Nanomaterials, 2022, 12, 1
  70. `Review on Psychological Stress Detection Using Biosignals`, Giannakakis G., Grigoriadis D., Giannakaki K., Simantiraki O., Roniotis A., Tsiknakis M., IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2022, 13, 1
  71. `Denominator assignment, invariants and canonical forms under dynamic feedback compensation in linear multivariable non-square systems`, Vardulakis A., Yannakoudakis A. G., Wei C., Chai T., IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2022, vol. 66, no. 10, pp. 4903-4909
  72. Aristotelis Yannakoudakis & Michael Sfakiotakis (2022) Invariant output feedback stabilisability: the scalar case, International Journal of Control, DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2022.2134827
  1. ‘Modelling the steady-state of secondary control in islanded AC microgrids’, Pompodakis, E.E., Tinajero, G.D.A., Karapidakis, E.S. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2023, 153.
  2. ‘Piezo-Phototronic In2Se3 Nanosheets as a Material Platform for Printable Electronics toward Multifunctional Sensing Applications’, Polyzoidis, C., Rogdakis, K., Veisakis, G., Tsikritzis, D., Hashemi, P., Yang, H., Sofer, Z., Shaygan Nia, A., Feng, X., Kymakis, E. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2023, 8.
  3. ‘A segmentation-based method improving the performance of N4 bias field correction on T2weighted MR imaging data of the prostate’, Dovrou, A., Nikiforaki, K., Zaridis, D., Manikis, G.C., Mylona, E., Tachos, N., Tsiknakis, M., Fotiadis, D.I., Marias, K. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2023, 101, pp. 1-12.
  4. ‘SHAPES Marketplace: Transparency, Trust and Fair Competition in the Healthy Ageing Market’, Guerra, B., Manso, M., Labor, M., Cooke, M., MacLachlan, M., Markakis, E., Kefaloukos, I. Studies in health technology and informatics, 2023, 306, pp. 49-56.
  5. ‘Assessment of the required running capacity in weakly interconnected insular power systems’, Paspatis, A.G., Fiorentzis, K., Katsigiannis, I., Tsikalakis, A., Karapidakis, E.S., Thalassinakis, E.J., Gigantidou, A. Electric Power Systems Research, 2023, 221.
  6. ‘UAV Trajectory Optimisation in Smart Cities Using Modified A∗ Algorithm Combined with Haversine and Vincenty Formulas’, Andreou, A., Mavromoustakis, C.X., Batalla, J.M., Markakis, E.K., Mastorakis, G., Mumtaz, S. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023, 72, pp. 9757-9769.
  7. ‘Managing Concurrent Queues for Efficient InVehicle Gateways (2023) Journal of Communications’, Grammatikakis, M.D., Ninidakis, S., Kornaros, G., Bakoyiannis, D., Mouzakitis, N., Staridas, A. 2023, 18, pp. 333-339.
  8. ‘Compressive response versus power consumption of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene in material extrusion additive manufacturing: the impact of seven critical control parameters’, Petousis, M., Vidakis, N., Mountakis, N., Karapidakis, E., Moutsopoulou, A. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023, 126, pp. 1233-1245.
  9. ‘Effects of Different Materials on Biogas Production during Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste’, Dompara, I., Maragkaki, A., Papastefanakis, N., Floraki, C., Vernardou, D., Manios, T. Sustainability, 2023, 15.
  10. ‘Mechanical Performance over Energy Expenditure in MEX 3D Printing of Polycarbonate: A Multiparametric Optimization with the Aid of Robust Experimental Design’, Vidakis, N., Petousis, M., David, C.N., Sagris, D., Mountakis, N., Karapidakis, E. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 2023, 7.
  11. ‘Treatment of Agricultural Waste Using a Combination of Anaerobic, Aerobic, and Adsorption Processes’, Trouli, K., Dokianakis, S., Vasilaki, E., Katsarakis, N. Sustainability, 2023, 15.
  12. ‘Experimental Assessment of Common Crucial Factors That Affect LoRaWAN Performance on Suburban and Rural Area Deployments’, Fragkopoulos, M., Panagiotakis, S., Kostakis, M., Markakis, E.K., Astyrakakis, N., Malamos, A. Sensors, 2023, 23.
  13. ‘Volt/Var control and energy management in Non-Interconnected insular networks with multiple hybrid power plants’, Pompodakis, E.E., Kryonidis, G.C., Karapidakis, E.S. Applied Energy, 2023, 331.
  14. ‘An Optimal Scheduling Tool for the Realization of Onshore Power Supply at Seaports with Limited Power Supply from the Distribution Grid’, Konstantinidis, G., Paspatis, A., Karapidakis, E. 2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech, PowerTech 2023.
  15. ‘Digital Training for Cybersecurity in Industrial Fields via virtual labs and Capture-The-Flag challenges’, Karampidis, K., Panagiotakis, S., Vasilakis, M., Lamari, A.T., Markakis, E., Papadourakis, G. EAEEIE 2023 – Proceedings of the 2023 32nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering.
  16. ‘Considerations of the Limitations of RES hosting capacity at the Transmission System Level’, Kritikou, E., Paspatis, A., Hatziargyriou, N., Karapidakis, E. 2023 International Conference on Future Energy Solutions, FES 2023.
  17. ‘On the Weighted Cluster S-UAV Scheme Using Latency-Oriented Trust’, Khayat, G., Mavromoustakis, C.X., Pitsillides, A., Batalla, J.M., Markakis, E.K., Mastorakis, G. IEEE Access, 2023, 11, pp. 56310-56323.
  18. ‘Towards Efficient Gateways and Servers for Biosensors’, Grammatikakis, M.D., Ninidakis, S., Kornaros, G., Bakoyiannis, D. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2023, 1036 LNEE, pp. 346-352.
  19. ‘UAV-Assisted RSUs for V2X Connectivity Using Voronoi Diagrams in 6G<inline-formula> <tex-math notation=”LaTeX”>$^{+}$</tex-math> </inline-formula> Infrastructures’, Andreou, A., Mavromoustakis, C.X., Batalla, J.M., Markakis, E.K., Mastorakis, G. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023, pp. 1-11.
  20. ‘A Three-Phase Sensitivity-Based approach for smooth Line-Switching in islanded networks’, Pompodakis, E.E., Kryonidis, G.C., Alexiadis, M.C., Karapidakis, E.S. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2023, 144.
  21. ‘Review of Eye Tracking Metrics Involved in Emotional and Cognitive Processes’, Skaramagkas, V., Giannakakis, G., Ktistakis, E., Manousos, D., Karatzanis, I., Tachos, N., Tripoliti, E., Marias, K., Fotiadis, D.I., Tsiknakis, M. IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 2023, 16, pp. 260-277.
  22. ‘Recent advances of chemical vapor deposited thermochromic vanadium dioxide materials’, Koudoumas, E., Le, K.T., Vernardou, D. Energy Nexus, 2023, 11.
  23. ‘Investigation of Si-Coated Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes as Potential Electrodes for Multivalent Metal-Ion Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems’, Daskalakis, S., Kostopoulou, A., Brintakis, K., Stratakis, E., Prasadam, V.P., Menguelti, K., Bahlawane, N., Vernardou, D. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2023, 127, pp. 13364-13379.
  24. ‘Reverse voltage pulse deposition of a porous polyaniline/Mn-Co sulfide composite cathode material for modified Zn-ion hybrid supercapacitors’, Thiet, D.V., Tung, D.T., Tam, L.T.T., Dung, N.T., Tam, L.T., Nam, P.T., Trang, N.T.T., Vernardou, D., Le, T.K., Tam, N.V., Lam, T.D., Lu, L.T. New Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 47, pp. 14885-14893.
  25. ‘Effect of Electrolyte Concentration on the Electrochemical Performance of Spray Deposited LiFePO4’, Floraki, C., Androulidaki, M., Spanakis, E., Vernardou, D. Nanomaterials, 2023, 13.
  26. ‘Long-term stability of graphene/c-Si Schottky-junction solar cells’, Jovanović, D., Petrović, M., Tomašević-Ilić, T., Matković, A., Bokalič, M., Spasenović, M., Rogdakis, K., Kymakis, E., Knežević, D., Cinà, L., Gajić, R. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2023, 258.
  27. ‘An efficient approach for controlling the crystallization, strain, and defects of the perovskite film in hybrid perovskite solar cells through antisolvent engineering’, Tzoganakis, N., Chatzimanolis, K., Spiliarotis, E., Veisakis, G., Tsikritzis, D., Kymakis, E. Sustainable Energy and Fuels, 2023, 7, pp. 4136-4149.
  28. ‘A Low-Cost and Lithium-Free Hole Transport Layer for Efficient and Stable Normal Perovskite Solar Cells Tzoganakis, N., Tsikritzis, D., Chatzimanolis, K., Zhuang, X., Kymakis, E. Nanomaterials, 2023, 13.
  29. ‘A Triethyleneglycol C60 Mono-adduct Derivative for Efficient Electron Transport in Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells’, Fakharuddin, A., Armadorou, K.-K., Zorba, L.P., Tountas, M., Seewald, T., Soultati, A., Tsipas, P., Schütz, E.R., Tzoganakis, N., Panagiotakis, S., Yannakopoulou, K., Dimoulas, A., Psycharis, V., Kymakis, E., Yusoff, A.R.B.M., Aidinis, K., Schmidt-Mende, L., Vougioukalakis, G.C., Nazeeruddin, M.K., Vasilopoulou, M. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 41, pp. 431-442.
  30. ‘Performance and Stability Improvement of Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells by Interface Modification of Charge Transport Layers Using an Azulene–Pyridine Molecule’, Tzoganakis, N., Feng, B., Loizos, M., Chatzimanolis, K., Krassas, M., Tsikritzis, D., Zhuang, X., Kymakis, E. Energy Technology, 2023, 11.

31. ‘Short-circuit calculation of droop-controlled islanded AC microgrids with virtual impedance current limiters’, Pompodakis, E.E., Strezoski, L., Simic, N., Paspatis, A.G., Alexiadis, M.C., Tsikalakis, A.G., Katsigiannis, Y.A., Karapidakis, E.S. Electric Power Systems Research, 2023, 218.

  1. ‘Data infrastructures for AI in medical imaging: a report on the experiences of five EU projects’, Kondylakis, H., Kalokyri, V., Sfakianakis, S., Marias, K., Tsiknakis, M., Jimenez-Pastor, A., Camacho-Ramos, E., Blanquer, I., Segrelles, J.D., López-Huguet, S., Barelle, C., Kogut-Czarkowska, M., Tsakou, G., Siopis, N., Sakellariou, Z., Bizopoulos, P., Drossou, V., Lalas, A., Votis, K., Mallol, P., Marti-Bonmati, L., Alberich, L.C., Seymour, K., Boucher, S., Ciarrocchi, E., Fromont, L., Rambla, J., Harms, A., Gutierrez, A., Starmans, M.P.A., Prior, F., Gelpi, J.L., Lekadir, K. European Radiology Experimental, 2023, 7.
  2. ‘Region-adaptive magnetic resonance image enhancement for improving CNN-based segmentation of the prostate and prostatic zones’, Zaridis, D.I., Mylona, E., Tachos, N., Pezoulas, V.C., Grigoriadis, G., Tsiknakis, N., Marias, K., Tsiknakis, M., Fotiadis, D.I. Scientific Reports, 2023, 13.
  3. ‘New Insights in the Era of Clinical Biomarkers as Potential Predictors of Systemic Therapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Women with Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review’, Alexandraki, A., Papageorgiou, E., Zacharia, M., Keramida, K., Papakonstantinou, A., Cipolla, C.M., Tsekoura, D., Naka, K., Mazzocco, K., Mauri, D., Tsiknakis, M., Manikis, G.C., Marias, K., Marcou, Y., Kakouri, E., Konstantinou, I., Daniel, M., Galazi, M., Kampouroglou, E., Ribnikar, D., Brown, C., Karanasiou, G., Antoniades, A., Fotiadis, D., Filippatos, G., Constantinidou, A. Cancers, 2023,15.
  4. ‘Guest Editorial AIoPT (Artificial Intelligence of Paediatric Things): Informatics in Meeting Paediatric Needs and Patient Monitoring’, Ghayvat, H., Tsiknakis, M., Mukhopadhyay, S.C. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2023, 27, pp. 2600-2602.
  5. ‘eSEE-d: Emotional State Estimation Based on Eye-Tracking Dataset’, Skaramagkas, V., Ktistakis, E., Manousos, D., Kazantzaki, E., Tachos, N.S., Tripoliti, E., Fotiadis, D.I., Tsiknakis, M. Brain Sciences, 2023, 13.
  6. ‘Evaluating Gait Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease from Instrumented Insole and IMU Sensor Data’, Tsakanikas, V., Ntanis, A., Rigas, G., Androutsos, C., Boucharas, D., Tachos, N., Skaramagkas, V., Chatzaki, C., Kefalopoulou, Z., Tsiknakis, M., Fotiadis, D. Sensors, 2023, 23.
  7. ‘Automatic assessment of pain based on deep learning methods: A systematic review’, Gkikas, S., Tsiknakis, M. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2023, 231.
  8. ‘Multi-task Neural Networks for Pain Intensity Estimation Using Electrocardiogram and Demographic Factors’, Gkikas, S., Chatzaki, C., Tsiknakis, M. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2023, 1856 CCIS, pp. 324-337.
  9. ‘Multi-Channel 3D Deep Learning Architectures for Evaluation of Prostate Lesion Detection Proceedings’, Zaridis, D.I., Mylona, E., Tachos, N., Marias, K., Tsiknakis, M., Fotiadis, D.I. 2023 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence, CAI 2023, pp. 148-149.
  10. ‘LoockMe: An Ever Evolving Artificial Intelligence Platform for Location Scouting in Greece’, Trivizakis, E., Aidonis, V., Pezoulas, V.C., Goletsis, Y., Oikonomou, N., Stefanis, I., Chondromatidou, L., Fotiadis, D.I., Tsiknakis, M., Marias, K. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2023, 1826 CCIS, pp. 315-327.
  11. ‘Multi-Modal Deep Learning Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease – A Systematic Review’, Skaramagkas, V., Pentari, A., Kefalopoulou, Z., Tsiknakis, M. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2023, 31, pp. 2399-2423.
  12. ‘Respiration and heartbeat rates estimation using IR-UWB non-contact radar sensor recordings: A pre-clinical study’, Pentari, A., Manousos, D., Kassiotis, T., Rigas, G., Tsiknakis, M. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2023, 3379.
  13. ‘Review of Eye Tracking Metrics Involved in Emotional and Cognitive Processes’, Skaramagkas, V., Giannakakis, G., Ktistakis, E., Manousos, D., Karatzanis, I., Tachos, N., Tripoliti, E., Marias, K., Fotiadis, D.I., Tsiknakis, M. IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 2023, 16, pp. 260-277.