Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hellenic Mediterranean University

Panagiotakis Spyros

Τel: (+30) 2810 379707
Office Hours: Tuesday 15:00-17:00
Associate Professor
Εxtended CV

Short CV
Dr. Spyros Panagiotakis is associate professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) and head of the group for Sensor Networks and Telematics within the Multimedia, Networks and Communications Laboratory (MNCLab). He received his PhD in Communication Systems from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Athens, Greece in 2007. He also received a four-year fellowship for postgraduate studies from National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”. He has participated in several European and national projects. Currently he participates in the Erasmus+ KA2 projects SysSTEM (Arduino SYS-STEM for Schools), InCyS4.0 (Industrial Cybersecurity 4.0) and CodeSkills4Robotics (Coding and STEM Skills through Robotics). Also, in the national research projects Agro4Crete (sensor networks for precision agriculture and irrigation management), AMK (prototyping an Automatic Mechanical Composting Unit) and Collecteur (remote control of agricultural watering grid). He is the author of over 90 publications in international refereed books, journals, and conferences. He also serves as peer reviewer in international conferences and journals and as member of technical programme committees for international conferences and workshops. Finally, he serves as evaluator for various research projects calls. His research interests include communications and networking, Internet of Things, pervasive and physical computing, sensor networks, industrial informatics, location and context awareness, informatics in education.