Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hellenic Mediterranean University

Laboratory of Applied and inTeractIve Computing – LATiCe

Laboratory of Applied and inTeractIve Computing – LATiCe

The Laboratory of Applied and inTeractIve Computing – LATiCe is a highly innovative and self-contained research unit which resides at the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU). The Laboratory focuses on interdisciplinary research in selected IT subjects, with the main areas of R&D being those of Biomedical Informatics and eHealth Services (BMI lab) as well as, Interactive Software Technologies & System Engineering (iSTlab). Specifically, the research activities of the laboratory focus on the following disciplines:

  • Semantic integration and analysis of multilevel biomedical data
  • Design and development of novel decision support techniques, algorithms, tools, and systems
  • Affective Computing
  • Design of intelligent systems for the recognition of human activities
  • Personalized Healthcare Services and mHealth Systems
  • Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
  • Software Design and Engineering
  • Computer Supported Collaborative Work

Although a relatively young laboratory it has an internationally acknowledged excellence in conducting high quality scientific research and developing innovative Information Technology (IT) applications, products, and services. The laboratory has developed collaborations with various departments and research organizations within HMU, the Computational BioMedicine Laboratory of FORTH/ICS, the Medical School of the University of Crete, other international Universities, and Institutions, as well as the industry.  Most of the activities of the laboratory are based on international collaborations in the framework of European and nationally funded projects. The Laboratory is also contributing to the development of national and regional strategic plans for the information society and innovation and plays a vital role in the introduction of novel ICT technologies in the region of Crete.

At the same time, the laboratory is responsible of, or is contributing in, teaching courses offered at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. A number of diploma thesis and graduate thesis are developed per year under the supervision of academics or other qualified staff of the laboratory.

Currently, the LATiCe laboratory is coordinated by Prof. Manolis Tsiknakis, a Professor of “Biomedical Informatics and eHealth” at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of HMU and an affiliate researcher at the Computational BioMedicine Laboratory of FORTH/ICS.
