Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hellenic Mediterranean University

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers a five-year program of study, leading to an Integrated Master degree, which covers the fields of Energy, Automatic Control, Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers. It is a very dynamic Department that aspires to offer specialized training and properly prepare future Engineers by equipping them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience to become tomorrow’s high-level specialized executives, who will promote both science and industry. Students gain theoretical knowledge and technical training in the fields covered by the Department. They also develop oral and written communication skills as well as group collaboration skills. The program of study of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers the following Divisions:

  1. Electrical Energy Systems
  2. Electronics, Systems and Computer Technology
  3. Τelecommunications and Information Technology

  These Divisions offer instruction and conduct research in the following scientific areas:

  • Electrical & Electronic Power Systems
  • Energy Technologies
  • Electronic & Microelectronic Systems
  • Digital Systems & Automatic Control
  • Telecommunication Systems
  • Computer Engineering and Informatics

The three Divisions are supported by highly trained personnel in relevant engineering fields. More specifically, the Department is comprised by 37 Teaching and Research Staff members, 2 Laboratory Teaching Staff members, and 4 Special Technical Laboratory Staff members. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is known for its high quality research infrastructure, which is constantly being improved by its institutionalized laboratories and the efforts of the Teaching and Research Staff members to fund research through national and European resources. Most undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Department prepare their Ph.D., Master’s and final year theses in the research laboratories, participating in research and development activities. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has been offering Master’s Degree Programs in Engineering since 2012, with  more than 120 Graduates been already awarded a Master’s Degree. It has established a number of formal collaborations with other Academic and Research Institutions both in Greece and abroad, with the purpose of conducting postgraduate research, co-teaching, and developing joint degree programmes as well as research & development project consortia.
